
Monday, December 10, 2012

Lotuschef in Honesty

I have no divine powers: I make honesty my divine power.
I have no secrets: I make character my secret.
~ from a warrior's creed - anonymous samurai song - 14th century

Terjemahan Indonesia: Lotuschef – Mengenai Kejujuran
Image © Shotaro Honda

This is a true episode that happened in Seattle in 2009, while I was undergoing basic training there.

One evening after dinner and Guru's routine chanting and Vajra Boxing session, the whole group of us were stationary outside Mi-yuan (Secret garden) after strolling along Seattle Temple's driveway; Guru asked a female student: Shijie, where are you staying?

Shi-mu: O! You staying with friends, free of charge?

Actually this student is from XX and married but co-habiting with another male student adulterously. :)

Hahaha! The glances they exchanged while "helping me" wash dishes after evening meals and they bummed each other's hips while doing the washing, side by side; already very clear what this two are doing.

When Guru asked a question, it is time to reflect upon your behavior or ways or habits.
Guru knows best what you are doing!

However for most, they do not realize that Guru knows what you have been doing and about to do too!

Dear all, please look through my blog articles carefully, I asked questions too.
:) They are very specific for some if they but realize it.

I am not saying I know everything though, but there are signs when you are lying and "misbehaving" too.

Therefore, instead of "consulting" me or asking personal questions, think carefully and I always advise all to reflect regularly on one's own ways. Repent regularly too as Guru advised as well.

We do execute lots of unnecessary or inappropriate actions that retard ourselves greatly in Cultivation. Signs of some of our deeds are very prominent in our features when they have been done continuously to the detriment of others as well as self.

Next time when questions are put forward to anyone, think and ponder on them as well.
Being honest actually tell me that you are conscious of your deeds and I will try my best to help you clear karmic influences. :)

In other words, lying only hinders yourself and no one else!

Hahaha! Many had lied while talking to me in verbal or written forms.
Hearing or reading your statements, gave you away! :)

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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