
Sunday, December 16, 2012

Hindrances to Cultivation

In Guru recent speeches, he talks about Hindrances to Cultivation.

The important one is Taking away your life.

Last year, during the Vesak Day fire puja, many registered their karmic negatives for refuge in TBS.
These include those that have yet to take refuge themselves.

Well, the karmic enemies, so to speak, came and question me, asking why their karmic enemies don't take refuge themselves instead but registered others to take refuge.

I told them that taking refuge with TBS means they are students of Living Buddha Lian Sheng. Their refuge documents are like travel documents and visas to go to Pureland. The lotuses offered to them are their transport and other offering are resources for them to "spend". They may choose to hang around and keep waiting for chances or opportunities to "take their revenge", if they refuse to forgive and leave.

Recently, I "negotiated" with another lot of karmic enemies of a certain student. I said that the person is already very ill and in coma, which is near death already. They should be satisfied with causing so much harm. I also told them that if they "over-exact" their revenge or their dues, they are likely to turn the table on themselves, making them the debtors and not creditors.
They have seen how the debtors suffered at their hands, do they want the same to happen to them?
If that happened, they can no longer use the offered channels and gifts to go to Pureland then. They have karmic debts to pay back.

The person recovered. However, hospitalized again for organ failure not long after that.
This person has facial changes already marked in and clearing negatives is not an easy or simple task now.

Well, Guru talks about how to clear hindrances today. Go listen to Guru, please.

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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