
Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Fakes of Guru? [4]

In the centre of the Wheel of Life is the interconnected 3 Poisons:
The Pig that symbolises Ignorance, the Snake the Anger/Aversion, and
the Bird the Desire/Greed

Terjemahan Indonesia: Guru Versi Khayalan [4]
Image © Rigpa Shedra

Dear all, having read the 3 preceding articles in this series, you should have gathered enough information to come to a conclusion, correct? :)

22-12-2012 - Guru's stance is very clear on blogs and media concerning all matters. He is just not interested and doesn't want to be "reported" to concerning what Shi-mu & VM HJ have to say.

Guru still does not endorse legal action against anyone, no matter what extend others go to, in order to defame; slander; hurt or scold him.

What happened is a Vendetta upon YC from his exposé of Big Brothers & Sisters misdemeanors and not so much about the defaming Guru part. That was a decoy to garner support for their own personal Vendetta only. 

All derivations of 3 Poisons of Greed, Aversion, Ignorance.

If they truly understand Buddha Dharma, the saga would not be given any spark to light up to such a big bon-fire seen today. Failing to subdue the so called Defamers, their opponents, the Self Proclaimed Righteous Buddhist Students turned to Aggression & Violence! 

They are not True Buddhist students at all, agree?

I think I humbly suggested to Big Brothers & Sisters to be cautious of what they share publicly world-wide many times too. :)

The above is about advising students to observe Samaya strictly and alleged to be from Guru on the 22-9-2012, after lunch at Taiwan Temple.

I translated parts of these 10 statements and planned to write an article as a Festive Gift to those that "falsely transmitted Guru's instruction". 
Hahaha! well will share some here.

都輸給also loose out to
功德 - merits.
This one states that even a strictly disciplined top cultivator, also loose out to One who serves Guru with one Heart in merits.

There is an attachment to Merits in return for services here and there is also Dualism in comparison of who has MORE merits, supposedly in Guru's eyes! 

Do you agree that these can't be from Guru, a Living Buddha, a fully enlightened one? :)

I humbly advise readers to read the 10 statements about Samaya that is mentioned above.
Don't take my word for it, read and find where these do not match Buddha's teachings or philosophy please. :)
Don't believe anything you hear or see, always find the Truth.

Homework: Do some research too on Samaya and Disciplines. As armed with all these knowledge, you will easily find that No One Can easily Fakes himself as Guru!!!


Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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