
Thursday, November 1, 2012

Lotuschef at Play – Gossip Addiction

Terjemahan Indonesia: Lotuschef Bermain-main – Kecanduan Gosip

Someone posted a part of the gossips from [ilovegm] forum into my Facebook message box.

I only extracted one remark. [我啞口無言兼頭頂開始冒煙!]

The rest are gossip about certain statements of mine and they not sure from facebook or other places. Someone said I have my own blog.

All think I am mad and not fit to be a Sangha as I don't agree with them and they judged me guilty of not loving guru.

Poor ignorants!

{{哈哈哈!这是佛弟子吗?Hahaha! These are Buddha's students?


[I am dumbfounded, and at the same time smoke starts to emit from top of my head!] -- Is this a Cultivator?

Guru said: Heart stable and Qi is harmonized! Seems like didn't pay attention to Guru's words!


Guru instructed me not to bother about this group of beings now, as their affinity with Buddha is still shallow!

请不要再贴给我看。Please do not paste these for me to read anymore.
没时间给他们疯!No time to be crazy together with them!

If you read Guru's new book 228, when he was Atisha, he later wears his Guru's, Serlingpa's sarira forever with him. Sarira with Form. Dharma Flow that is Formless. Stay with Atisha's body forever.

[page 172 - 阿底峡在后来,把金洲上师的舍利, 永远的戴在身上。 有形的(舍利)。无形的(法流)。永远在阿底峡身上安住。]


A true cultivator or yogi, will understand his/her [Guru's] INFINITE EXISTENCE!
阿弥陀佛!Amituofo }}

I humbly believe they are addicted to the level that if you remove their playground now, they will be lost and don't know what do with their "gossip periods"!


Well, Guru said as long as you are happy, it is all that matters. :)

It is difficult for most to accept that Guru will never leave anyone of us, Forever.

No one seems to believe that At refuge, Guru already resides within you at your heart chakra too!

Cheers all.

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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