
Monday, November 19, 2012

Effective Bardo Deliverance 有效超度

Terjemahan Indonesia: Penyeberangan Bardo yang Efektif
Image © Fujino Shokan

In many Asian countries, Bardo Deliverance for the Deceased, mostly done by some priests or masters that are not monks.

In some countries, Funeral services are controlled by Syndicates or Mafias.

They set the prices for all these services and anyone that not under their "protective arms" will be "eliminated".

In True Buddha School, we have a standardise sadhana for "White matter" and how effective this is, truly depend on
  1. whether the deceased took refuge with Guru.
  2. whether Guru's presence is invoked
  3. sincerity of those doing the services
  4. following Guru's teachings or not

I noticed that some have a standardized copy of the Script with the talisman all printed in black ink and just add dates and names and times when needed.

Each Script comes with a Talisman in which contains Golden Mother/ Jin mu's Order to execute.

The Script is a sort of "heavenly report" to state purpose of a certain practice; requests for ......; personnel involved; blessing required; ....

It is an Official Document like a Court Order. Therefore, due respect is required and not the abuses seen by many who just make copies all set to be used.

I have seen reverends in Seattle, paying meticulous attention in preparing the Script, Talisman and Edict for any occasion.

The Talisman on the Scripts must be drawn as per Guru's instruction, and that is to cultivate and invoke the presence of Guru and Golden Mother and the particular yidam giving the Order!

That's why Guru has to give personal empowerment transmission for drawing up of Talisman & edict. Copying and printing countless copies, really not what Guru teaches.

I personally discovered that the Script is very personal as it is my request, my statements, to that particular practice and services rendered.

O! as per Guru, one can also verbally make request, but all requirements remains. Presence of Yidam is of utmost importance.

What most are getting for huge sums of funds forked out, really not effective Bardo Deliverance.

Thats why the Deceased comes back continually to ask for "supplies" or your path not smooth.

Those "priests and masters"? Hahaha! I found that most smoke heavily, and just do a performance for show to the Deceased family and friends only.

Have a good look at their auras! :)

As to those monks or nuns chanting sutras and mantras following a certain preset Sadhana, I have no comments. Ultimately, if one cheats about their effectiveness with Bardo Deliverance, the Deceased will hunt them soon for retribution!

This article is Guru's idea and my experiences. I don't know why I am to bring this up again. :)

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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