
Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Ask: Usnisa Vijaya Dharani

The following is an email sent to

Mr P: Dear Lotus Chef...

I'm not a student of Master Lu (im not even a buddhist!! though phillosophicly i'm a buddhist) , though by reading his books i came to this dharani, usnisa vijaya and since then every morning i always
recite it 7 times daily. Its been months since i'm start reciting this dharani. Still i havent meet anything or any sign of purification.
I do feel a change in my mind..its becoming more calm and my understanding of natural things getting better. At some point i understand
that bad things happend in my past is nothing but a reflection of my own action, i'm not blaming others for what happend or blaming God for it.
I do still feel angry at some thing (like when my daughter behave bad, but i promise to my self i will never hurt any one phisicly).

I just wanna i sign or something like the sign of purification like Master Lu always said in his books. I do had ever have a dream when i comb my hair a lot of white things like little bug or something just come down from my hair/head, but i do not know is this a sign of purification or whatsoever.

I wish i have the fund to able to consult with you directly, but i happend to have enough money to be able to pay the charge for 20 minutes of your time. Please forgive me if my email seems to long. I hope you willing to clear and put my mind with this questions..

Sincerly yours...

AA: Mr. P still hasn't got the gut to take refuge after all the articles of Refuge and Samaya.

Dear all, I have made explained clearly what is Refuge and Samaya and Abhiseka too.
I do not wish to comment further on this email.

Cheers all. 

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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