
Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Lotuschef in Chat - Talk to Shizun

Morning Fashii!

This morning i am so amazed (again) with our beloved Shizun!
Since i read ur blog, i started to talk to Shizun. 
Every activities, i told Him first & ask the blessing of course ^^
Several times i have felt that He is listening!
But what happen this morning trully magnificent!
Me & my spouse have to apply some document from local court. 
Yesterday afternoon the magistrate still looked arrogant  =.=
He told us to back again next morning.
So, this morning before i go, i light an incense & pray to Shizun to bless all administration can smoothly well finished. 
If can, done on 8.30am or 9am (bcoz still have to go to office ne)

On the way, i always visualization Shizun in middle of the sun then 入我 [Merge into Me]
And also visualization Shizun smiling above the magistrate.

Know what?
when we meet the magistrate, with no word,happily sign the document!
That is about 8.30am!
Then after finished with his staff, we out from there 10minutes before 9am!
And all just cost Rp30,000 (sgd 3.75).
Usually it quite costly if deal with them.
Weehhhh Love You So Much Shizun!!

Salam Metta 

Hi Shijie
I am truly glad you are yet another that believe me and talk to Shizun! 
Welcome to Pure Karma Crazy Club!!! :)

Always remember to stay cool, calm & clear minded. My 3Cs. 
Everything is solvable.
There are 84K Dharma Doors or Paths which we can find at least one to USE for any situation. Guru said 自然、任运自如 - Naturally and Execution as per requirement.

It is so simple to establish a link or a "direct dial" line with one's Root Guru. Just say one of the Root is this "direct dial" line which connects us to Root Guru speedily. The speed of course dependent on your Sincerity and Diligence in Cultivation.

In the Defame Guru Saga, whether the so call "good" & the "evil", all lost their cool and ignored Root Guru's teachings and Dharma sharings. 

For those defaming Guru, they breach Samaya, which will land them in Timeless or Vajra Hell. Therefore, the so call "good" should not even need to do any scolding and reprimanding at all!
They also breach the discipline of hurting or harming Dharma Brothers!
Hahaha! Hilarious!!!

Hahaha! The best is that both sides turned against me, saying I am double sided "spy"!
Of course these allegations are directed by those in power and wants control. They want to stir up more heat and let others do their "dirty jobs" for them.

"dirty jobs" are helping them take revenge on people they perceived as a threat to their position & power & interest (Monetary mostly).

So they are the ones into both sides!
That's why Guru said that since I went in to play play, better initiate "Game Over" fast, don't waste time with ignorant mobsters from both sides, as they are being "taken over" already!

Many thanks for your vote of confidence yesterday too!

No worries as Guru is always with me and also with those that have True Faith & Trust in him. 

Salam Metta to you and all too.

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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