
Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Lotuschef at Play - Beauty of Buddha Dharna

The beauty of Buddha Dharma is knowing what we are doing n we can just do game over at anytime we please....:)
both sides also sentient beings that I target to succor, so no diff to me lol

Read Sunzi Art of War? Wisdom to conquer. Well, I use Buddha's prajna only.

It is beneficial to always change an angle or viewpoint to see & hear.

To all Crusaders:
Why still the interest in the Open 3rd eye articles? 
Even if I charge 5K for teaching someone to do so, what is it to do with anyone but me & the person concern? 
Of course, the person must have already cultivated a good foundation so that it is easy to follow the simple instruction from Guru's book and my experience.
Or a little instruction in certain technique, the 3rd eye opens itself too. 
The student didn't want it to open as she is scared she will see ghosts or spirits. 

I charge what I like n it is up to the person whether willing to pay or not! 
Also most of Pure Karma's funds channel to various charities world-wide, so instead of hindering me & Pure Karma, don't you think you all should help me? :)

So far all those that paid for special dedication services, all see good results! 
So thanks to GM's blessing, what I do works. 

When you truly understand that I am truly sharing Buddha Dharma, you will automatically come help me too...

Meantime, really nothing better to do? Go do some reading to help yourself cultivate better and live a happier life than go support gossip-mongers n lies fabricators.

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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