
Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Lotuschef in Chat - Pertinent Questions Only.

These are messages send by someone to Facebook of Lama Lotuschef:-

April 2
Lama Lotus Chef..... are you a vajra master?
April 9
looking at it, lama lotus chef you neither have the courtesy nor the politeness to response on a simple facebook message. This coming from a person that wants to improve his own blog and propogate the dharma is just shameful!!

Lama Lotuschef
Hahaha! This is a dummy Facebook, set up by the blog administrators, when they set up I do not have the know-how to manage this facebook account. Hahaha! As there is change over of admin for the domain, and the new people opened this one and link it to my old one, that's when I see you message. 

Please write to

Of course you can choose to expect what you perceived as qualities a dharma propagator should have.  
I also reserve my rights to select pertinent questions to answer.
Please note I only answer questions on cultivation when necessary. 

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom. Lama Lotuschef.

For your info, I have already posted notices that all messages will not be entertained except those sent to the stipulated email address.

Once again, NO voice calls; text messages from any sources will be entertained. 
Please direct all questions/queries to

If your questions/queries are not pertinent to basic cultivation techniques, your questions will not be answered!

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom. 
Lama Lotuschef.

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