
Friday, October 26, 2012

莲厨谈心-[眼]Lotuschef in Chat - [Eye]

This is a very interesting dialogue, and all with different [Eye] . Have fun!!!
This is too long a passage to translate too, so please use google translate or any other translation tool to translate to the language you choose. Let us begin..

[She talks about her Aversion upon hearing the 2 words Yao Zhong which is the name of Defamer. She said feel nauseated and feels like vomitting.]

Francesca Poon [我實實在在的告訴大家:對於惡行惡德者,對於邪知邪見者,我們都要循循善誘,而不是一味打擊。(對惡行惡德者,對邪知邪見者,才要去度化)
 第一篇——序曲 蓮生活佛著作 盧勝彥文集 第96冊「盧勝彥的心要」 一 釋迦牟尼佛為一人事因緣出現於世。我(蓮生活佛)同樣為一大事因緣出現於世。 世人...See More
[quoted guru's statements from Lu Sheng Yan key Principles, about not hitting at those that are bad or evil in ways and outlook but instead must use gentle persuasion to succor them..]

Francesca Poon 明白师尊讲什么吗?明白、听懂后,忏悔吧!念多点师尊心咒回向给所有[惡行惡德者,對邪知邪見者]。嗡。咕嚕。蓮生悉地。吽!
[Understand what Guru means? Understand then repent! Chant more of Guru's mantra and dedicate to those of bad/evil ways. Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom. Lama Lotuschef respectfully.]

Francesca Poon [仇]在师尊来讲,是不存在的. 不要让自己不开心.
[Enmity to Guru doesn't exist, do not make yourself unhappy.]

Meekie Liang 師尊說:「我本身對一切的謠言,本身是無所謂的,他們要怎麼說,我還是照過我的日常生活,每天修法,寫作,畫畫。我是這樣的想,弟子對師尊沒信心,要離開真佛宗,就隨他去,那師尊可以好好教導剩下來的弟子,專心為這些弟子說法。反正要挽留弟子的,一般上師,法師,教授師,弘法人員他們自己會去挽留,因為道場本身自己會流失的同門。不過,看了真佛宗的現象,大家都如如不動,大家都修的和師尊一樣“如如不動”的,什麼都無所謂。如果這是一盤散沙,這個宗也可以不要算了,師尊再設立新的宗派,重新收弟子。現在有看到大家一起站起來維護宗派,這還不算是一盤散沙。。。」
[the above is allegedly from Guru's recent speech pertaining to rumors -please use translation tools]

Meekie Liang 維護根本上師要懺悔?!?!?!?!你開玩笑吧???
[Defend Guru need to repent? Are you joking?] (noted the exclamation and questions marks used profusely).

Meekie Liang 誰跟猴子有仇啊?人家把你的師父罵成這個樣子,你就一幅“不關我事“的態度?上面師尊的話才是師尊對這次譭謗真佛宗弟子應該怎麽做的看法!!!拜托你好好看看,去懺悔吧!!!
[Who has enmity with monkeys? People transform your Guru to this, you displayed a "None of my Business" attitude? The above is Guru's stance towards this recent defamation, True Buddha School Students should by right perceive and do what! Please see properly and go repent!]
(This is her perception and interpretation of Guru's speech).

Francesca Poon Hahaha! 維護根本上師? 是真心?
[Defend Guru is True Hearted? ]

Meekie Liang 當然是真心!不然你以爲是什麽?
[Of course true hearted! Else you think what?]

Francesca Poon 请问:师尊有教我们[佛弟子],[冲动]、不理智、的发镖、的发泄吗?
[Question please: Did Guru teach us "Buddha's students", to be {rash}, {irrational}, to fire at or vent our emotions on others?]

Francesca Poon 你可能有一点真心,不过[佛弟子]不能与任何一个众生[为敌],的道理、的佛理,好像没见着,是吗?
[You might have a little True Heart, however, Buddha's students cannot make any single sentient being "enemy", this 'reason', this 'Buddhist principle' , seems not obvious, correct?]

Francesca Poon 你的句子也蛮[凶]的! 哈哈哈!你就一幅“不關我事“的態度就是太关心才劝请大家[听师尊的],不让跟毁谤者,没两样, 不是吗?我们是[真佛宗]的[真佛弟子]对吗?
[Your statements are pretty fierce though! Hahaha! "you displayed a "None of my Business" attitude"? It is because I care very much, thats why request all to 'listen to Guru', else no difference from the defamers, right? We are True Buddha School's True Buddha Students, correct? ]

Francesca Poon 学师尊的[修为]、学[处世]、学[做人]、学[佛法]、有[智慧]的处理一切,对吗
[Learn Guru's Cultivation; Dealing with Sentient matters; Living; Buddha Dharma; have Wisdom to use for settling all, correct?]

Meekie Liang 前後不知道有多少人告訴過你,[she said: before & after, don't know how many has already told you] (hahaha! she is citing precedence here, so she has been standing by on the sidelines waiting for her chance to come on stage).

[she alleged that the lack of unity as stated by Guru arose because of people like me with careless attitude towards Guru's defamation. she also cited a story of buddha's students, Sariputra & Mogallana went to debate with the 6 leaders of cult, she asked is this enmity, is this venting displeasure? ]

Francesca Poon 哈哈哈! 当时,世尊叫他们去的吗?你们好像,像他们一样忘了[世尊是佛],现在我们的[师尊也是佛]!只要你开心,跟你同样见解的,也一样开心,请继续表达你们[爱师]的心情和方法!阿弥陀佛。
[hahaha! At that time, did Buddha asked them to go? It seems you all forget that Buddha and Our Guru are Buddhas! however, if it makes you happy, and those with the same views happy too, please continue to express your [Love Guru] feelings and methods! Amituofo.]

Meekie Liang 師尊說:“現在有看到大家站起來維護宗派,這還不算是一盤散沙。。“,他也有看到我們請佛住世的傳真,所以,不勞您費心!我們會繼續做的!不是爲了自己開心,是爲了對根本上師的真心!不是像您說的“可能有一點真心”,是全心全意的真心哦!
[she said that Guru said that, now that all stood up to defend our sector, we are no longer a scatter basin of loose sand.... He also see our plead for buddha to stay, therefore, no need you to worry! We will continue! Not for happiness, but for being true hearted to Guru! Not as you said "might have a little true heart", it is whole heartedly!]

Francesca Poon 很好! 赞!再细心的想想,事情闹大了,局势如何收拾?这一盆团结一志的沙,如何清理[残局]?而已经遍布全球的[毁谤]文件,有如何处理?你和同伴有想好对则吗?:)
[Very good! Praise! Lets think minutely, when matter expand, how to wrap up the end results? This united as one, basin of sand, how to clean up the "wreckages"? Moreover, the Defamatory materials already spread world-wide, how to settle? You and companions have thought of solutions?]

Meekie Liang 我們團結一致,不會造成殘局,只會讓撥亂反正的文章也遍佈全球,已經有當事人的同門站出來指正這些譭謗文章的謬誤了,讓大家了解當年到底發生了什麽?而且文章會不斷的出來,您拭目以待吧!
[We are united as One, won't create wreckages, there are those involved that have already came out to verify the authentic versions, to let all know what actually happened years ago, and these articles will continue to be release, you wait and see!]

Francesca Poon Hahaha! Very Good. Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom.

To all, this one at least give us the info that some has produced solid proof that the defamers are lying. This is something to be glad about unlike the other that use a Defamation case as an example threatening the defamers that they can take legal actions against them.

The Truth is for defamation suit - Guru has to be the Complainant against the defamers. Everyone knows that Guru will not sue anyone, so this type of threats of legal action is truly futile n a waste of time, getting everyone so "high" without actually helping the situation. 

I have also said that as YC's records show he praised Guru, so now his about turn is conflicting his own words that Guru is the best! So which version should anyone take or believe from YC? 

What if he come with yet another and followed by even more versions? 
In the eyes of the Law, this person is not credible as he conflicts himself as per situational requirement. 

There really is no cause for alarm at all. As students, I believe that Guru knows what is best and we should not second-guess his intention or actions and act for him. I believe this is respect for Guru and also respect for the Buddha that he is, to know what is best for all sentient beings. 

Of course, each individual has their own take on what a Buddha is and capable of. As long as you think you know what is best for Guru, with a sincere heart, be happy.

While everyone's attention is on the defamers, someone hired an attack on Guru! Isn't the timing too fantastic? Hahaha! Think, how can you protect Guru from future attacks that hurts n not the defaming materials that don't hurt guru physically. Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom. Lotuschef

莲花净意师姐,如果这是您的照片,[明白师尊讲什么吗?明白、听懂后,忏悔吧!]不管那个师姐插播讲什么,建议您念[高王经]或[百字名咒]回向一切众生。我是看你的[磁场]和读过你写的句子后,给您这个建议。修行嘛,每个人的业历不一样,而[眼]也不一样,阿弥陀佛. 喇嘛莲厨合十.
[I told this student that she should repent no matter what the other said, as I have observe her for some time, her photo n her statements.]

To the student that butted in and hurled lots of stuff at me? Thank you! 
You actually helped me with my homework of [Eye].

Guru is teaching me [Eye]!  :) Grateful thanks again. 

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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