
Thursday, October 11, 2012

11 Oct 2012 Onwards - Notice & Event Updates

Venue 地址: 621 Aljunied Road. Lipo Building. Singapore. Unless otherwise stated.
Fire Puja Event 火供法会:
十月 October 13, 2012 at 6.30 PM (Singapore Time)
Yidam: Padmakumara 大白莲花童子 & Usnisa Vijaya 尊胜佛母
十月 October 20, 2012 at 6.30 PM (Singapore Time)
Yidam: Padmakumara 大白莲花童子 & Marici 摩利支天菩萨
Celebrating  Marici’s day 庆祝 摩利支天菩萨诞
十月 October 27, 2012 at 6.30 PM (Singapore Time)
Yidam: Padmakumara 大白莲花童子 & Avalokitesvara Boddhisattva 观世音菩萨
十一月 November 10, 2012 at 6.30 PM (Singapore Time)
Yidam: Padmakumara 大白莲花童子 & Medicine Buddha 药师佛
Celebrating  Medicine Buddha day 庆祝 药师佛 诞
十二月 December 1, 2012 (Medan Time, North Sumatera, Indonesia) 印尼棉兰
1 pm: Workshop with Vajrasattva Repentance 金刚萨缍忏悔法
6.30 pm: Fire Puja with Yidam: Padmakumara 大白莲花童子 & Vajrasattva 金刚萨缍
十二月 December 22, 2012  (Singapore Time) 
Venue: Nirvana Memorial Gardens
10am  Vajrasattva Repentance 金刚萨缍忏悔法
12noon Fire Puja with Yidam: Padmakumara 大白莲花童子 & Vajrasattva 金刚萨缍
Special for Ancestors’ offering for the coming Festive Chinese New Year. 特别供养祖先,给予资粮迎新春。
十 二月 December 29, 2012 at 6.30 PM (Singapore Time)
Yidam: Padmakumara 大白莲花童子 & Amitabha Buddha 阿弥陀佛
Celebrating  Amitabha Buddha day 庆祝 阿弥陀佛圣诞
Special for Ancestors’ offering for the coming Festive Chinese New Year. 特别供养祖先,给予资粮迎新春。
 1 月 January  12, 2013 at 6.30 PM (Singapore Time)
Yidam: Padmakumara 大白莲花童子 & Yellow Jambala 黄 财神
Registration 报名
Dear all,
This is a Notice to all that are interested in joining our Fire Puja Cultivation session.
For those attending – $25 per person as each will be issued with a Lotus with offerings; a turn at offering meat, oil, wine, herbs, etc.
For those not attending (we will do the offering on your behalf) –
  • Members: $10 per person for the Lotus with offerings.
  • Non-members: $15 per person for the Lotus with offerings.
All payments must be made well before closing date and time for registration.
We reserve our rights to reject any registration when our quota is full or when dateline is over. No complaints will be entertained.
Please be reminded that Pure Karma is a privately funded vihara and we are are unable to sponsor all those interested to join us in cultivation, be they TBS students or not.
Please respect our administrative decision and please abide by any rules and regulations that are in place for the efficient functioning of our Vihara.
Pure Karma

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