
Friday, September 14, 2012

Lotuschef in Contemplation - Attachment

This is strictly my opinion and readers may choose to differ.

When I took refuge, I was taught to scrutinize the chosen Yidam from crown downwards.
These include head-gear; brows; eyes; nose; mouth; ears; clothings; and pose of the Yidam.

Hahaha! however, I have since discovered that being too Attached in these only can help the cultivator to still their minds and try to halt wandering thoughts only.

When you can gather your concentration and be still, you can then drop all these and visualize only light forms or the Seed Syllable of the chosen yidam.

Therefore, do not get too stuck on the features.
It is truly ironical to have to memorise the yidam in such details in the beginner's stage and so easy to drop forms when you move on to next levels.


Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom.
Lama Lotuschef

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