
Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Lotuschef in Chat - Disturbed Mindset

為什麼我幫我的karmic超渡的時候,偏偏失去他 (18aug2012 about 4pm-5pm)?
他才30。。。為什麼才40min在海里就沒救了﹖1 day before just blood donation to local red cross commitee!

那麼突然。。 no sign at all
until now no message through dream.

don't now if he go to padminiloka yet?or still wandering on the drown location?
雖然有法師誦經超渡到葬禮時。我也有天天送真佛經。也有送地藏經。but why no any sign nor message to us?especially to mom?
please 法師,tell me how to do?

I am not in any position to answer your questions.
perhaps you should write to Guru and ask for help

Why do you think your brother died because you do karmic dedication?
This is truly ridiculous!!!

Sad to say, you have yet to be clear minded as I taught you.
If bardo delivery is done, then what more do you think should be done?
Why do you need to have signals or signs to show you?

You are being totally irrational & best to calm down first.


Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Losuchef

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