
Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Lotuschef at Play - Yoga & Samaya

Yoga (SanskritPāliयोग, /ˈjəʊɡə/, yoga) is a commonly known generic term for physicalmental, and spiritual disciplines which originated in ancient India.[1][2] Specifically, yoga is one of the six orthodox schools of Hindu philosophy based on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. Various traditions of yoga are found in HinduismBuddhismJainism and Sikhism.

By the turn of the first millennium, Hatha yoga emerged as a prominent tradition of yoga distinct from the Patanjali's Yoga Sutras. While the Yoga Sutras focus on discipline of the mind, Hatha yoga concentrates on health and purity of the body.


The samaya (TibetanTibetanདམ་ཚིགWyliedam tshigJapanese and Chinese: 三摩耶戒, sanmaya-kaiSānmóyéjiè), is a set of vows or preceptsgiven to initiates of an esoteric Vajrayana Buddhist order as part of the abhiṣeka (empowerment or initiation) ceremony that creates a bond between the guru and disciple.
According Keown, et al.Samaya may be defined as:
  • A particular system of teaching or doctrines;[1]
  • The conduct required of a tantric practitioner, often as a set of vows or commitments;[1][2]
  • The realization (abhisamaya) of Buddhahood;[1]
  • In Tantric Buddhism, union with the Three Vajras, the body, speech and mind of the Buddha.[1]


Guru said Yoga is when merging occurs between cultivator and the chosen Yidam.

Guru was very explicit when he said many has yet to yoga with him.

He also said most masters did not cultivate fire puja as taught by Guru.

Now sit back and reflect on your experiences these years cultivating with certain masters
of the same sector you took refuge with.

Remember though that you start by taking refuge with the Triple Gems and in Tantrayana,
addition of a Root Guru. 
However, you eventually cultivate and realized that you actually
and ultimately takes refuge with your very own Buddha Nature; that is your own 3 kayas.

I read an article posted by someone, slandering her own Root Guru.
She alleged that she and other students witnessed personally inappropriate behaviour of
their Guru with a student of the opposite sex.

She said that she is totally disappointed and let-down by the incident.

This is a common mindset for most that took refuge with Great expectations of their
teacher behaving as they think he/she should.

This is Fixation and Attachment to Sentient Mindset and forcing others to adhere to your
own perception.

I have seen murals in a Dutch palace in Kochi, India.
The Buddhas/Boddhisattvas are depicted wearing loose and transparent clothing; and
there is one of a feast and the male is fondling a female's nipple.

We see lots of statues that are naked and photos too.

In Anu Yoga, extreme bliss is derived by union of male & female cultivators with special
techniques and secret keys from their Root Guru. Both cultivators can attain Yoga and
attain Buddhahood.

This can be cultivated jointly by a male & female or Singly by a cultivator.
There are more than one way to attain Buddhahood, so why be so narrow minded?

Pure & Obscene are all in the Mind!

Your eyes deceived you when you see obscenity because your jealous heart made you feel

The writer of that slanderous article is married and considering the coupling act as
obscene/dirty, means he/she cheats on their partners. Sexual unions in Marriage is legal
and both should derive enjoyment and feel love and drawing closer together.

Pronouncing coupling as dirty/obscene, means this one party is negating on vows to love
his/her partner forever.

If Anu Yoga is obscene and dirty then, you do not understand and also has yet to Yoga in
Preliminaries and Guru Yoga.

A gentle reminder, we are all light forms and when you realized that, there are no gender

Hahaha! Wake up and open your mind.

Your eyes; ears; nose; sense..... can all deceive you!!!

Yoga means you and chosen yidam Merge as One.

Breaching Samaya of slandering your own Guru will land you in Timeless/Vajra Hell.

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom.
Lama Lotuschef

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