
Thursday, September 6, 2012

Lotuschef at Play - Equality & Myths

Look closely at these photos.
We are happy and there are contact between me and fellow students.
What is my point?

Last year in Hong Kong, at the convention hall a day before the event.
Pure Karma's team were there for rehearsal as some of them taking the Boddhisattva's vows the next day.

We were happy and enjoying ourselves.
Some one reprimanded members of my team saying that they should not touch a fashi/reverend, as a fashi is Clean & Pure.

Hahaha! That's my point!
Who planted the ideology that Fashi are Clean & Pure and cannot be touch, else they loose these Purity?

These are poor ignorants that did so from hearsay and continue to pass these myths around and even to the extend of Enforcement!
As a fashi or reverend, if you concur with these myths that you will be contaminated upon contact with sentient beigns, then sad to inform you that you have yet to understand the characteristic of Buddhas/Boddhisattvas. :)

Recently Guru talks about the various Wisdoms of Buddhas and one of them is Wisdom of Equality.
If you think yourself Pure & others dirty or beneath you in any way, sad to say, you will never be able to Yoga.

One's Buddha Nature is constant and remains unaffected by all internal & external stimuli.
The beauty of yogi like Guru who has become a Living Buddha, is that he can change and merge with any environment.
A True Yogi not only can merge with his environment but can also transform self or environment to suit the situational requirement.

Lets talk about the alleged scandals of inappropriate behavior. If a male is leaning against a True Yogi, the Yogi can transform accordingly to match.
Remember that we are all Light Forms/Bodies, there is no Obscenity in these merging, as Light forms/bodies have no Gender!

Before you go spread scandalous tales again, bear these in mind.

OS: yes, you're analysis and article are very good dear maman

guru has spoken about the union as becoming empty of gender too

LC: people see what they want to see n think what they want to think! Like my article See Buddha See Ghosts. Hahaha!

Well not only in this article only. There are more like True/False Monk; ......

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom.
Lama Lotuschef

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