
Thursday, September 6, 2012

GM's -- Mysterious tales of Repositioning

English Summary Translation by Lama Lotuschef
Mysterious tales of Repositioning
Lotus Jian Cai, a new student, through long distance refuge empowerment transmission, is in electrical equipments business. One day, whilst lying to rest on his work-top,  in a semi-conscious state, he was somehow Repositioned to Rainbow Temple in Seattle, USA.
Lotus Jian Cai resides in Taiwan and has never been to USA. However, just resting on his table, he found he has traveled to Rainbow Temple. He saw “6-angles Pavilion”/“Rain listening balcony”. Seen statues of Avalokitesvara; Maitreya; flowers, grass, pine trees ……..
He sat on the grass field and listened to Grandmaster Lu’s speech in Rainbow Temple.
Grandmaster Lu said: The cultivator sitting outside on the grass, why don’t you come in to listen to Dharma?
He wanted to move but just could not do so.
He answered: I will just listen from the grass field then.
Thus I continue my Dharma Speech and Lotus Jian Cai listens. At that time, he understands what he hears but upon waking, he completely forgets what he heard. When he relates his experience with others, his relatives and friends said it is unique or mysterious occurrence.
15 May 2012, he asked me, what Dharma did I shared?
I said: Absolutely cannot waste Precious Life and Time.
Do not be lazy.
Do not be Acedia.
Do not be Fixated on matters and believe them to be everlasting.
Employ Buddha Dharma to speedily round and complete your heart. Daily and frequently observe and cultivate, to excel in Dharma and define good and evil, to seek and attain everlasting bliss and ease of execution to various situation.
The 6-realms of Samsara is a big prison. Wisdom in thoughts; Disengagement (Release) Path; and Boddhi Path, Refuge to Triple Gems, Vajra master, is the beginning of Disengagement Path. Need to repent to purify Karmic negative of Self  and accumulate auspicious merits to speedily complete and round off Buddha’s fruit.
Need to Observe and Cultivate [Nature of Emptiness] and [Compassion], possess ability to benefit sentient beings, all the way to attainment of Release from Samsara.
Need to find and affirmed own Buddha Nature.
Completely void of Come, Go, Birth, Death, Regular, Irregular. I said: During Repositioning, both of us still maintain a conversation.  

JC asked: How to define Buddha? 
I replied: Dropped from the bottom of a Black paint pail.
JC asked: How to define Buddha Dharma?
I answered: One finger pointing at the Moon. 
JC asked: What is Sentient Realm? 
I answered: Rabbit sleeping in eagles nest.
JC asked: Why am I here today?
I answered: Facing each other but unacquainted, but thousand miles afar yet same wind.

JC asked: What are my instruction for this trip to Rainbow temple?  
I answered: Come to meet Grandmaster Lu in person!
I said: Lotus JC’s life, managing a electrical equipment business, met plenty of setbacks, but can resolve them one by one. Turn calamity to good opportunity, if do not decipher Release from Samsara, then when is a better time than now?
Encourage/Praise him! 

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