
Friday, August 10, 2012

Without Bodhicitta can’t attain Buddhahood!

Bahasa Link:

by ADMIN on AUGUST 10, 2012
In Guru’s Dharma speech on 4 August 2012, he talks about the Importance of Boddhicitta.

Serlingpa taught Atisha about Boddhicitta and one of the method is [Mutual Exchange of Identity].

When you see someone suffering from pain, you put yourself into their position and learn how to feel the same.

Knowing the degree of suffering for various scenarios, One then learn to understand and devise ways or methods to help ease suffering.

Ksitigarbha opts to stay in Hell to succor sentient beings as he has made a Great Wish that he will attain Buddha status only when Hell is empty!

Guru said: knowing Hell is the worse of the 6 realms and choosing to remain there, Ksitigarbha has Maha Boddhicitta!

He also said that all Buddhas & Boddhisattvas attained their statuses because they have Boddhicitta.

Those without Boddhicitta can’t attain Buddhahood and have to remain within the 6 reams, never being able to become Buddha/Boddhisattva.

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom,
Lama Lotuschef

Edited 26 July 2016


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