
Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Lotuschef in Contemplation – Determination

by ADMIN on AUGUST 8, 2012

Hi all, Guru talked about how Atisha traveled for 12 months to reach Jambi, Sumatra to seek out Serlingpa, to learn from him.

He waited another 12 months before Serlingpa starts to instruct him.


Atisha : Guru was 阿底峡 Atiśa Dipankara Shrijnana

Serlingpa :
金州大師 Serlingpa Chökyi Drakpa

From Guru’s book 228 pages 166 to 168 – it details the Guru and pupil story of Serlingpa, the Guru, and Atisha, the pupil.

This is Guru’s recounting….

{There’s a great achiever, Serlingpa, an Indian, who traveled to Jambi in Indonesia and he stayed on to propagate dharma.

[Serlingapa is also known as Suvarnadvipi Dharmakirti, sometimes called Dharmarakshita. ]

Serlingpa also teamed up with the King that is Buddhist and build the Borobudur, the greatest mandala in the world and it is listed as One of the Wonders of the world.

Upon hearing about Serlingpa’s great teachings, Atisha brought his cultivation partner and an entourage and set out from India to Jambi.

As per Tantrayana’s mannerism: Both the Guru and the Student have to observe each other for 3 years to verify each other’s ability to teach and learn.

There are memorial monuments left by these Guru & student team in Jambi.

He acquired the Great Prajna System Transmission, attained level of Great Dharma Transmitter. He founded the Kadam/Gelug School or Sector.}

Atisha stayed for 12 years in Sumatra until Serlingpa instructed him to go North.

His writings are numerous too.

Now Think:

What kind of Mindset carried Atisha to Jambi?

What kind of Mindset sustained Atisha to wait patiently for Serlingpa’s to find him suitable to instruct him?

Think of the Language barrier too!

Tell a story:

H, a British national, a dark skin migrant, took refuge and ordinated as a monk. He enrolled for training in Headquarters.

The instruction were transmitted in Mandarin/Chinese.

The instructors’ accounts were he stayed up till early morning to add phonics to the Chinese characters and he did research too on their meanings.

He passed the training course on his own steam!

He is able to lead cultivation in Mandarin too.


I applaud his efforts and I would called this SHEER DETERMINATION TO LEARN!

Pure Karma welcomes all that are like this student, H, that are determine to learn and share too!

As Atisha is one of Guru’s past lives, I believe that True Buddha School’s students should also emulate the Sheer Determination and Sincerity of Atisha.

Do readers agree with me?

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom.
Lama Lotuschef

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