
Saturday, July 7, 2012

Lotuschef in Conversation - Sabotage

Yellow Elixir brings good tidings to all.

This is a true story.

This happened at a certain exhibition and convention.

FF is a distributor who operates in Europe. He plans to team up with a certain Malaysian to undercut RR's distributorship when he secures the Principle's approval for the distributorship. The Malaysian has been doing so to RR for quite some time.

When Principle told RR about his decision that he will give over European agency to FF, RR was unhappy because he knew FF will team with the Malaysian to undercut him.

The next evening at dinner with the Principle and his colleagues; RR received a call from a Taiwanese business associate, asking him to go help FF as he is in police custody.

It seem that FF stole a large tool box from a competitor's booth at the exhibition centre. He was trailed by security while dragging the large and heavy tool box, all the way to his room and then to the hotels washroom where he dumped the contents of the tool box into the rubbish bins!

There was no information as to which Police station he was remanded in. Therefore, RR too can't help FF at all!

The Principle upon hearing of FF's intention to sabotage his competitor by stealing a tool box to hinder their operation, said he will not do business with a thief.

Guru said all students must do honest business!

Compete with real knowledge and true hearted services to your clients, do we need to resort to sabotage other's operations?

This is the sentient mind at work and that seems to be the first that comes to mind for most people.

Does the Truth Matter?

Reacting to a certain matter without careful analysis shows other which level you are at in the cultivation ladder, do you know that?

Do you also know that speaking up for someone or vouching for someone you have no true knowledge of, just because this person/persons well being or integrity is directly link to you, this is what the Law termed vested interest and there is something call Conflict of Interest.

Perhaps reading up is beneficial if One intend to vouch for the integrity of others they don't even know or have ever met, agree? :)

See FF? His external packaging impressed Principle to decide to do business with him! However, the Principle has a lucky escape before he seals the deal!

Isn't this a good example on Not being deceived by Surfaces one can see only?

Can readers understand my saying: Do not just glean Surfaces only?

Does the story line and the contents help you in living life more happily and avoiding possible pitfalls?

Well, Guru has lots of articles like these and strictly speaking, we can classify them as Zen Koans, right?

Of course there are those that have yet to have clearance to understand Guru's teachings, because of Karmic hindrances still to be neutralized, agree?

No one is more clever than any one else. It is their Karmic influences hindering them only, agree?

There is no need to be jealous or angry at others that you think are smarter or richer than you, thinking this way only bring suffering to self, agree?

Hahaha! Of course you don't need to agree! :)

Cheers all.


Pure Karma

Lama Lotuschef

True Buddha School



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