
Saturday, July 7, 2012

Lotuschef at Play - A Mind of Your Very Own?

Gold mani brings Great Universal Wisdom.

Without Prejudice!

These are extracted from Facebook:-

Francesca Poon Dear Joseph and all that agreed with him. Is Reputation that Important after all?

Hi Joseph, Didn't see you for quite a while. On facebook, that is. Let me Gift you Mindset!

To Peggy and those with the same mindset as her:-

If reading my blog gives anyone perception of my always criticizing others, then read only what Guru shares. In Tantrayana, we only need Root Guru to help us seek our own Buddha Nature. As to pitfalls or hindrances, listen to Guru and Cultivate well, you can avoid them, so what I shared is unnecessary to you.

Reputation is also Sentient Form and a by product of the 3 poisons of Greed, Ignorance, Hatred. To all, please look "under the surface"! Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom!


Dear Peggy, I just realized who you are from some fellow students. Hahaha! If reading my articles gives you perception of misery and grievances, then stop reading.

Why do you even start? Curiosity!

Each of us has a choice to do what they want and like, you are no exception. However, jumping in because of your relationship with certain committee members of the said chapter and not knowing what you are jumping into is really not good for a True and sincere cultivator.

If you truly read my blog, you will find that I instill humor into most articles. I live happily and steadfast in my vows to succor all sentient beings like my dear Guru.

I dare not assume we share the same Dear Root Guru because we have very different Mindsets! Amituofo. Lotuschef.


For information: Buddha Dharma teaches how to be observant and analyze sentient mindsets and their responsive reactions. This is in order to aid one in helping all sentient beings leave sufferings behind.


The above used the word Always.... When she didn't like something she should have already initiated actions to halt the suffering for herself, correct?

So the usage of ALWAYS is truly very biased, agree?

Is it wrong to find out the Truth or help others to do so?

Why launch a missile at me? hahaha! Look within first, please. :)

May I remind all that Fashi or reverend or lama are Sanghas! And True Sanghas are a part of the Triple Gems One takes refuge in, in Buddhism?

In Tantrayan there is addition of one's root guru in the 4 refuge vows we chant all the time.

True Sanghas are well protected by Dharmapalas and loved by Buddhas and all Divinities as one of their very own. Of course, we have to deduce for ourselves which are the True Sanghas, agree? Hahaha! :) Lotuschef

Dear readers, Being analysed is not a very palatable thought?

However, if no one speak up, then a person will have nothing to improve on and make changes for the better, correct?

I will also accept any realistic and true comments and feedback but not those with vested interest to "get back" at me in public for some perceived wrongs on   my part.

To their own detriment, they didn't succeed because their opinions are all biased and even united did not put forward a strong case as that is not the TRUTH! I am a happy person and spreading happiness around in my writings and in cultivation too.

Building with untruths is like building castles in the air, correct?

Truth can withstand anything!

Please ponder on what you are going to do next before creating negatives to your own detriment. Do not follow others blindly or do other's bidding without knowing the whole Truth and the consequences.

Cheers :)


Pure Karma

Lama Lotuschef

True Buddha School

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