
Friday, July 13, 2012

Lotuschef in Chat - Sentient Mindset?

Lotuschef in Chat - Sentient Mindset?

The Red Lotus Throne ushers in Auspicious Tidings of Joy and Abundance....

Hahaha! Let us explore a little of Sentient Mindset....Let us begin with the 3 poisons.


The three poisons (Sanskit: triviṣa; Tibetan: dug gsum) or the three unwholesome roots (Sanskrit: akuśala-mūla; Pāli: akusala-mūla), in Buddhism, refer to the three root kleshas of ignorance, attachment, and aversion. These three poisons are considered to be the cause of suffering (Sanskrit: duhkha).
In the Buddhist teachings, the three poisons (of ignorance, attachment, and aversion) are the primary causes that keep sentient beings trapped in samsara. As shown in the wheel of life (Sanskrit: bhavacakra), the three poisons lead to the creation of karma, which leads to rebirth in the six realms of samsara. Of these three, ignorance is the root poison. From ignorance, attachment and aversion arise.

[It is] ignorance that drives the entire process... [Ignorance] isn't just an inability to apprehend the truth but an active misapprehension of the status of oneself and all other objects—one's own mind or body, other people, and so forth. It is the conception or assumption that phenomena exist in a far more concrete way than they actually do.
Based on this misapprehension of the status of persons and things, we are drawn into afflictive desire and hatred [i.e. attachment and aversion]... 
Not knowing the real nature of phenomena, we are driven to generate desire for what we like and hatred for what we do not like and for what blocks our desires. 
These three—ignorance, desire, and hatred—are called the three poisons; they pervert our mental outlook.

Ringu Tulku states:

In the Buddhist sense, ignorance is equivalent to the identification of a self as being separate from everything else. It consists of the belief that there is an "I" that is not part of anything else
On this basis we think, "I am one and unique. Everything else is not me. It is something different."...
From this identification stems the dualistic view, since once there is an "I," there are also "others." Up to here is "me." The rest is "they." As soon as this split is made, it creates two opposite ways of reaction: "This is nice, I want it!" and "This is not nice, I do not want it!" ...
On the one hand there are those things that seem to threaten or undermine us. Maybe they will harm us or take away our identity. They are a danger to our security. Due to this way of thinking, aversion comes up... Then on the other hand there are those things that are so nice. We think, "I want them. I want them so much..." Through this way of thinking...attachment arises.
Ignorance - confusion, bewilderment, delusion
Attachment - desire, passion, greed
Aversion - anger, aggression, hatred
Seen any similar stories on my blog/blogspot that illustrated the 3 Poisons?

There are people that "take sides" because they think that their Material Interests are being threatened or taken away from them!
They do not have enough/do not have knowledge of the Truth of the matter and jumped in.

Guru said after fire puja in Rainbow villa and then quite frequent after that: Places where Lions Leap Across; Rabbits should not Mimic; will result in Rabbits dropping dead!

Guru said that One answers his own Karma; therefore joining others without True understanding, you also become a member of Collective Karma.

Why do you think you need to change your current destiny or fate?
Do you agree that if you are Contented with your lot and maintain a happy disposition, you would not fall prey to confidence tricksters; cheats; liars;.....?

Lots of people said that what I am sharing in my blog/blogspot are untruths, do you agree with these "lots of people"?

Do you agree that other than Guru, not many explain to you that visualization is actually Astral Projections?
Did those that you so admire and stand by their sides all these years ever tell you that you don't need them, you can competently do everything by yourself if you cultivate diligently with Guru's Dharma Sharings?
Or did they tell you that you need them, without them you will never be able to live a good life?
Hahaha! What do you consider a Good Life that you would sell your soul to grab at it through these practitioners?

How do you propose to cultivate and Yoga with any Buddha/Bodhisattva if you have any "grabbing" mindset?
YOU is a very important matter and YOU need to be satisfied!
Do you think, Guru thinks like this? The Self Important "YOU"?

If what I am sharing don't agree with you, these are my humble suggestions:-
1.Stop reading or
2.Go do research and find out the Truth for yourself.
3.Then read my articles again and see what did you missed before the research.

There is a disclaimer for readers of this blog/blogspot to READ WITH AN OPEN MIND!
Also do not use anything that you are not authorized to do so, like lacking the relevant empowerment and the basic foundations.
If you think or believe from others that this blog/blogspot is a Gossip site, Amituofo. Please do not visit again!

Hahaha! Perhaps this blog/blogspot is a place where Lions Dwell and not suitable for Rabbits as they might become Lions' food!

Do not slander Buddha Dharma and classify it as Gossips!
Is the 4 Noble Truths and 8 Fold Noble Paths consider as Gossips by you and your mates?
Perhaps you can tell yourself, Your Affinity with Buddha Dharma has yet to mature.

If Guru said that Everyone can cultivate to Buddhahood and you think otherwise or someone tells you otherwise, who would you choose to listen or believe?

A small gift to all, YOU can cultivate to Buddhahood with the Right Mindset if you listen to Guru ONLY!
O! You don't need a crowd with you too! JUST YOU!

Pure Karma
Lama Lotuschef
True Buddha School

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