
Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Little Lotuschef in Lessons – Dragon Robe Sheng Ji?

Hahaha! Why don’t we follow the Chapter’s and Students’ dialogue and see whether we can learn some thing good, alright?

Let us cordially invite the dazzling Golden Mani Gem resting on a golden lotus throne, to help us, ignorant sentient beings, with its Infinite Wisdom!

These explanations are from the said chapter:-

[To all students and kind followers,

RE: Dragon Robe Sheng Ji Practice’s explanation:

There are TrueBuddhaSchool’s students that mentioned Dragon Robe Sheng Ji Practice recently in the blog, concurrently raising various dialogues and transmitting the wrong message. 
To return the Truth and to prevent students from being misled, we broadcast the following pronouncement:

1)       Vajra master Lian Huo has reported to Guru before doing the Dragon Robe Sheng Ji Practice, and also obtained Guru’s approval. Guru also signed on the robe as blessing. Base on this, Shi Cheng LZS’s organization of the Dragon Robe Sheng Ji Practice is according to the rules. (Please read attached document.

2)       Guru has individually transmitted ‘Sheng Ji” practice to master lian huo. Please read ‘Lu Sheng Yen Literature No. 73 – page 66 – Ying residence, earth spirits, mysterious secret. (Please see attached document)

3)       Attached Guru’s signature and blessed list for Dragon Robe Sheng Ji Practice. (Please see attached document)

To fellow students, please use wise discretion  when surfing blog or heard untrue dialogue! We abide by Root Guru’s teachings and instructions, carrying the burden of the great works of the Tathagathas. Hoping that all vow to support us!

Wish: Auspiciousness and wish come true!

Shi Cheng LZS administrator ‘palms together’

Please see attached:]

The following are the opinions of fellow students:-

Joseph Yeo People’s words truly must be scared, dharma propagators don’t propagate dharma, still manufacture lots of problems, don’t know what is that student's intention.

July 6 at 7:48pm · Like

Advise all to read the following rules again


These are the 14 basic rules of Tantrayana.

Tantra Vinaya Or Tantra Disciplines, are more strict than those in Mahayana. From the start, Tantrayana has the 14 basic “descend” Disciplines.
Therefore all Tantra students must comprehend all these disciplines, at the same time must keep in heart, to try and abide all these.
Never to break these, especially the 14 big rules, one also can’t break.

[Student JY is a bit self conflicting here as I read his statements! The words in Bold and Underlined.

MUST and ALL and NEVER are Absolutes, no other alternatives at all!

However, the word TRY is anathema to all these Absolutes, do readers agree? HAHAHA!]

密教的戒律﹐應該比顯教更嚴格。密教一開始﹐就有十四條根本墮戒。所以凡是金剛乘弟子﹐一定要了解一切金剛秘密的戒律﹐而且要了了於心﹐一切戒律 盡力去遵守﹐永遠不破戒﹐特別是這根本十四大戒﹐一條也犯不得。

July 6 at 7:59pm · Like

Joseph Yeo 五戒指不杀生、不偷盗、不邪淫、不妄语、不饮酒. 口业、造口业是佛教经典业的一种,属于意业。以白话说:就是指因为语言导致的因果。根据佛教说法,口业大致分为恶口、妄语、绮语和两舌。


[ Little Lotuschef: As he is self conflicting, I don’t find it necessary to translated his further eloquences!]

July 6 at 8:06pm · Like

Ping Ling Boo Sorry sorry. Amendment : 一鸣惊人! [Once make sound frighten people!]

July 6 at 8:37pm via mobile · Like

Another people reply....

Liew Wee Chong  I have seen the attached documents, they incite the following queries:
Please see attached document entitled : Guru’s signature.

This document’s title is written as Dragon Robe Sheng Ji.

Blessed dragon robe and Sheng Ji Practice are 2 completely different practice.

Their main characteristics,
 --) Blessing from Dragon robe, is by CONTACT with the HEAD of the one getting the BORROWED blessing of Buddha’s Qi / essence through this contact.

Sheng Ji Practive, (see Guru’s speech in Seattle on 23 June, those aspiring to change their fate or destiny

need matter/sample representing their “life essence” like hair, nails, worn piece of clothing, dip a drop of blood, put into a small packet, buried in an approaching dragon or good geomancical point.

Borrowing this “earth qi” for blessing. Those without merits must do charity, cultivate, chant mantra, in order for this practice to work.

Alright, now the attached document has Misleading Title.

Those aspiring to change their fate or destiny do not need contact with the dragon robe, and also no need to include their representing “life essence”. 
Only need name, birth date and residential address. 
Finally, Guru wrote the 2 character: Jia Chi (bless), dated 7 January  2010 or 1 July.

Fundamentally speaking, this Item gives a nondescript feel.

My guess is : your esteem temple think to get the dragon robe blessed (already has attracting power) add on Sheng Ji  Practice ( also very attracting power) to market to fellow student.

Since Guru already blessed, we have nothing to say. 
However, the Price tag of  $600, might as well let Guru bless, might as well write to Guru for blessing is much better. Guru’s practice is offering of any amount as you wish. Why do I need to exchange $600 for one blessing?

Liew Wee Chong To the esteem people of Shi Cheng LZS, Dragon robe is not something that any ordinary people can touch.

Please read this article recorded in Guru’s  Book - 177  entitled “see deities see ghost tale.
--- [ why do I wear dragon robe] “…..
3 King said again : Senior cultivator, become beggar, senior cultivator also reincarnate as King, senior cultivator reincarnate as King for succoring sentient beings. Although you are a beggar, but comparably more precious than a King.

Buddha renounce his throne, willing to become a beggar, beggar is comparably more precious than Throne, why can’t wear Dragon robe?]

This round change to me being speechless.

3 King said: [If there are any of your students, mimicking you and wearing Dragon robe, but has not reach the required level, is fate of Early Death; 

if there are those practicing unrighteous arts, also mimic you and wear dragon robe, also fate of Early Death. 

Dragon Robes are for suitable candidates only, not suitable cannot wear, cannot causally wear, you are suitable to wear but don’t wear, it is unusually amazing.]
Yesterday at 3:35pm · Like.

Liew Wee Chong The above is opposing information.
Esteem temple push out  Dragon robe sheng ji practice, with inserting the names into the dragon robe only, the aspirants’ life essence never come into contact with the dragon robe, is opposite to what is written in the above article.

However, since aspirants life essence did not come into contact with the Dragon robe, therefore cannot said that the Dragon’s essence are filled into the aspirants at all!

Question, does this have True effect?
If at the end still needs guru’s blessing, then it is only Guru’s blessing only and not getting the promised effects of the Sheng Ji Fa.

Illogical beginning and conclusion. If you people want to raise funds to build temple, you separate the Dragon robe blessing and Sheng Ji practice. Fees as One wishes, on the other hand, many people will come.

Yesterday at 3:51pm · Like

謝世仰 A place where a Lion has Leap across, a Rabbit is unable to Jump across. Will become “Good bye”.
{Little Lotuschef: Hahaha! I heard Guru said these many times in Seattle!}

Yesterday at 4:38pm · Like

謝世仰 After reading your esteem temple’s attached documents, junior brother can only say: {Compassionate Guru}.
Like I know, Guru seem never having rejected anyone’s request to sign before.
If you go and request from him, he will sign.
These is what Guru said personally.
Guru also said before, One bears own karma.

Yesterday at 4:46pm · Like


GM's Unlimited Compassion

From Book 190 page 88《190集88页》

When I am with all of you, I always grant all request, every
matter also say : [Good], problem is, as to the word [No],
I do not know how to say it.
When I am alone, everybody will hand me something to sign
and I do not reject any one.
Why do I always say [Good]?
Because I regard everybody as Good People, I save sentient
beings, won't leave out a single one, that's why I pick up my
pen and just sign.
Is it that I am always being tricked and taken advantage of,
yes, yes, yes.
Like writing this short article, if he reads it, at least he
knows should not trick/bluff Grandmaster.
I truly don't like to completely cutoff others' wishes even once,
I try my utmost to satisfy all sentient beings' wishes and
needs, how others treat me I do not deem to care.


Dear readers, have you learn something? Can you share?

Joseph Yeo – This student is lecturing who on Vinaya? He said dharma propagators misbehaved? Also have students that misbehaved too?
He said Dharma propagators don't propagate dharma - then they are not dharma propagators or he failed to recognise True Dharma Propagators? :)

Ping Ling Boo Who frighten this one? Little Lotuschef can’t figure out yeah!

Liew Wee Chong This student seems to be very logical, why deleted his comments? It is unintentional? Or Intentional? Hehehe! Truth not palatable to listen?

謝世仰 This student shares something I heard Guru said several times! O! I can remember very clearly! Hahaha!
He said: Guru is Compassionate!

I said: Guru is Unlimitedly Compassionate! Does every one agree with me on this?

Hahaha! The Verdict  is ????

Just like Guru likes to use this : Saintly Students, you all try and voice your opinions!.....

Gift to you all a specially big present?

Om Ah Hom. Guru Bei. Ah her Sha Sa Ma Ha. Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom.

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

Edited 25 Sep 2016

1 comment:

  1. What did Little Lotuschef learnt?
    I saw Sentient Beings' Ignorance & Greed!
