
Monday, July 2, 2012

Lotuschef at Play – Why Can't Yoga?

Terjemahan Indonesia: Lotuschef Bermain-main – Kenapa tak berhasil beryoga?

Gold in True Buddha Sutra is Light of Great Wisdom!

Let us Draw upon this Great Wisdom - To find out what is the underlying problems why many  just don't seem to achieve Yoga despite as claimed, they have cultivated regularly and expended great efforts too.

Being unable to Yoga, is not dependent on the length and frequency a person has cultivated. 

Let us begin our journey in steps with our beloved Guru, in search of answers....

Actually I have a lead from Guru few days ago, and because I am pondering how to present this lead, therefore dragged till now.

I hope I am clear minded enough at the present moment to share this much puzzled over clue.
For those that have gain what you call "Spiritual Response" during cultivation, please pay close attention. 

The most common problem for those that had cultivated for a certain period and they claimed they have spiritual response, they got stuck there and unable to move upwards any more. Hahaha! They fell prey to Attachment and subsequent Fixation.

Why do I say it this way?

During cultivation, many experienced visions and they sort of become so alerted to these visions that whenever they reach that level of cultivation, they themselves generate these visions!

See my point? They think these visions are the be all and end all and keep drawing them back whenever they reach that step in the Sadhana. Started with Attachment and then Fixated by these visions and locked or encapsulated at that stage! To them this is the Ultimate!

However, Sentient mindset is such that they will become more creative and make these visions even more clear! So they get real busy doing so for the next few decades...

Remember I shared I have many visualization for High King Avalokitesvara sutra or Gao Wang Sutra?

Once you get the hang of it with what I shared, you drop all completely and just relax in the Universal Void.... no need to force yourself to keep concentrating on one visuals.

Sometimes you can be shown other ways of visualizing this same sutra.

Don't get trapped in one plane, we need to constantly remind ourselves to move with the flow and drop all unnecessary baggages.

Learning frequently to give up sentient materials that one don't have any use for or need for survival, one advances slowly towards True Yoga!

Therefore, to help fellow students learn to renounce sentient materials, I do not encourage personal consultation. All of us have to learn to drop SELF!

If you can't drop SELF, you cannot Yoga with Divinities! You have to study Divinities' characteristics well in order to Yoga!

Think on what I have shared and till we meet again, cheers all.

Happy Cultivating!

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom.
Lama Lotuschef

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