
Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Lotuschef at Play - 魔的走狗 Demon's lackey?

Francesca Poon commented on  [ Aug 05 ] 魔的走狗?是/非?对/错?

This is posted by someone on Facebook. 有人一直要求師尊給他名位, 認證自己是仙佛轉世, 透過各種管道想盡辦法, 要蓮寧上師安排不成就罵蓮寧上師, 想盡辦法四處打關係要接近核心, 亂搞特權並以自己為師尊出版作品到處向人要錢, 如今得不到認證 ...

[其实,读这个师兄写的句子, 仿佛见到他身边的指示人!没骗你们, 真的! 他的“大老板“就在他身后!哈哈哈!.
“大老板“啊! “大老板“ 啊! 想成佛吗?.
不要再找“杀手”给你“出气”了!没听到师尊说:一切都无所谓吗? 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈。。。。。。。。]

Francesca Poon 他明显的跟我们说:他的大老板跟师母是两派的, 就是,意见不合;不能相融的! 哈哈哈!你们能猜到是谁吗? 不重要!阿弥陀佛。

Francesca Poon “有人一直要求師尊給他名位, 認證自己是仙佛轉世,“- 是就是! 根本不用认证! 这说明:大老板跟他的手下是一样的观点! = 仙佛根本自己知道的! 大家同意吗?

Actually the statements from the student NL alleging another, CY, is power hungry and etc.... makes a great zen koan for discussion. Let us have Fun!

1.       NL exposed his "big boss" behind the scene and he reveals that his boss and grand mistress do not share the same Team, as he alleged CY is in grand mistress' camp.

2.       He failed to see that, his accusing CY of wanting to get into the CORE where control tower is, revealed that his boss is in control tower, agree? The Boss is also extremely possessive of his sentient position in Core, agree?

3.       He also failed to see that placing CY in grand mistress’ camp – Grand Mistress is also one of the topmost Core members of control tower!!! So CY is considered already “In Control Tower”!

4.       He alleged that CY wanted to get close to Core to get certification from Guru to his being of fairy or Buddha origin and reincarnated with Human Form. My humble opinion – when one has such origin, one do not need anyone to certify, as they will realized fast enough as soon as they diligently cultivate! This also shows that NL and his boss is of the same level and the same “sentient” mindset, agree?

5.       Alleging CY is in grand mistress camp, also reveals that the Boss perceived threat of being ousted by CY in control tower, agree?

6.       Boss and NL really did not understand much of what Guru has been sharing all these while, agree?

7.       Do you agree that these are likely those that White Tara told Guru about, TBS’ students dropping into the 3 Lower Realms?

Had Fun? Cheers…


Pure Karma
Lama Lotuschef

True Buddha School

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