
Saturday, June 30, 2012

Lotuschef at Play – Regulars of Heavenly Realm

The Blue Elixir Jar, ever flowing of Enlightenment Attainment as per True Buddha Sutra.

Colours of Dharmapalas like my buddies, Acala; Kalachakra; Hevajra; …………

One of my Yidam – Bhaisajyaguru too!

Let us embark on a new journey in step with Guru with Buddha Dharma.

In the video that recorded the master’s speech [Heavenly Eye and Building Temple], she also recounted her experience of attending a conference upon invitation, of persons with Astral Powers!

She said they could read minds and it seems they can go back and forth to any Heavenly Realm of choice, like going home or for dates or business meetings!

10 minutes ago, as I was re-reading [ Jun 29 ] Lotuschef at Play – Collective Karma, I had a flash vision of an earth quake that hit a spot whereby there is a stubborn tenant who refused to bulge, thereby hindering the progress of development planned for that area.

It is quite a major one causing great loss of lives and the whole world went to help. Guru also did fire puja to bardo deliver the dead and ask blessing for those alive.

In that fire puja, Guru lost 50 starlight bodies, if my memories serves me right.

I saw the fire puja scheduled in Seattle for July and August and my eyes fell on 8月5日 (日) PM 3:00 大自在王佛護摩大法會及喜金剛法要義 ,賜授大自在王佛大救難咒灌頂。

I went in search of this Divinity because I remember vaguely that I posted an article for this one quite some time ago! The Dharmakaya of all Buddhas!

These are shared with me by Lotus NN on 29-6-2012 at 12:36am:
[大自在王佛 is Buddha Mahesvara (Shiva Buddha). Blue coloured with the form of Vairocana Buddha.  {what a coincidence? Blue colour too!}
Shiva in this one refers to Maha Mara Heaven
so the Vairocana Palace is in the centre of the Mara Heaven
and yes, shiva is from the destructive heaven]

So there are persons that are like secret heavenly army, kept by certain organisation to create “man-made disaster” of their choice?

Hahaha! I am shocked when the vision of the lone tenant and the rubbles of what’s left after the quake!

More shocked when parts of the master’s speech came back to mind!

Geezzzzzz! Is this possible?

There is the Realm of Desires where beings still have cravings for luxuries; love – hate; anger; revenge; …..

They have yet to be enlighten too!

Let’s all come back and end our journey for now. This trend of thoughts are too bizarre and unpalatable, best don’t dwell long and deep!

Remember the Karmic angle – those who act God and upset the Universal Balance pay dearly for their individual Karmic deeds or collectively if perpetuated with a team!

See you again!:)

Pure Karma
Lama Lotuschef
True Buddha School

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