
Friday, June 29, 2012

[29-06-2012] Lotuschef in Conversation – Effective Bardo and Karmic Negatives [2]

by LOTUSCHEF on JUNE 29, 2012

[My dear Bt, the spirits in the hungry ghost realms n etc are all covered by the tubs of 108 lotuses each and I have a lingpai to deliver the offerings to them.

we have increased to 2 x108 pcs nowadays and most of the time we are busy folding lotuses! Hehe!

The spirits in the hungry ghost realms or other realms, Guru will ensure they get the offerings from us as we give to all n never differentiate who we give to.

bl always contribute $20 to sponsor incense n lotuses for the homeless spirits n etc

hn & cs sponsor $100 each session.

You can chip in any amount or help fold more lotuses or buy more incense for them

For this category, it is any amount you like, because I encourage all to care for the less fortunate, whatever their karma, we would like to help them n give them a chance to repent and pay back their debts so that they can go to a better place n hopefully can cultivate to save themselves too.]

[about the hungry ghosts realm, is this what bl is asking me  n not clear about it?

want to tell me more?

acala or 不动明王, his lasso can draw out any ghost or spirit

do you have names?]

[Not sure what Bl ask you.

Just that recently the vision of ws mum came into my mind. She died of colon cancer and was very  thin when she passed away. Her thin image came into my mind recently. Coincidentally Ws also dreamt of his mum like this.

Then recently I came across an article writing of a story in hell where the souls were given super long chopsticks to eat but can't feed themselves anything cos chopsticks were too long (unless they feed the soul sitting opposite them).

Thus, my reason to ask as Ws mum was my closes aunt and hope to do something for her (just in case she's in that realm).

It's interesting how things unfold and present themselves. Remembering last when I was pondering myself on Bai Zi Ming Zhou and Fashi coincidentally post an article on BZMZ on FB.

Sometimes Things happen for a reason not just coincidence  ]

[she asked why always register for bardo but the people still in ghost realms n etc

so must be ws'  mom

ws also talk to me about his mom.

I told him to look at her properly:

1. is she happy?

2. is she dress properly - not in rags

3. does she has enough to eat n look satisfied

4. is she sitting on lotus

if its w's mom, means someone didn’t do a proper bardo for her

if she don’t look happy then she needs help

let’s see what we can do, it’s important to have a name if we want to be specific]

[but what would ws  n you all want to do for her?

First dedicate merits of chanting or charity to her

then help her to cleanse her karma and have to guiyi her negatives

w did the negatives guiyi for her on 16-6-2012 already

so bardo delivery for her and  her karmic negatives next

guru said cancer is kill too many in past lives or this one

w still have not tell me how his mom looks when he sees her

I think if u see her too, I guess she is asking for help to leave sufferings of the realm she is in

my records show w did a package to dedicate to her karmic negatives on the 16-6-2012

so she and her karmic needs bardo delivery

talk to w n let me know]

HI Fashi,

Can we do a bardo delivery for her in this fire puja?
I have been dedicating merits to her whenever I chant.

I saw my aunt face (the sunken thin matchstick look when she passed away).
Then W told me about his vision on his mum later that night and I thought it wasn’t a mere coincidence.
Following 2 days after my dinner with A, my static was so strong…
my whole body was so dry and very compulsive headache (could be due to heatiness too, ha!).
But felt better after I chanted bai zi ming zhou 108 times.

I have spoken to W and he will email you later on his vision on his mum.

It’s good that we can apply what we learn for the needy 

Thanks Fashi.

[A  has very bad aura.

Bai zi Ming n GAO Wang is good with Visualization

I guess right, Bl asking why bardo not effective.

Your aunt keep appearing n don't look good means she need help.

ZZ did the bardo?

Remember always to include karmic when u help anyone. Else the karmic will attack u n also prevent u helping too


[Ya. ZZ did the bardo.

Or is it becos my aunt karma is so bad that she can’t receive bardo?
Now I worried for my dad too cos ZZ did Bardo for him.

I dun understand your last sentence “always to include Karmic”. What is Karmic? ]


Pure Karma

Lama Lotuschef

True Buddha School

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