
Friday, June 29, 2012

[29-06-2012] Lotuschef at Play – Collective Karma

by LOTUSCHEF on JUNE 29, 2012

Yellow signifies Health and Auspiciousness. These all overflow from the Elixir Pot in Immeasurable Abundance for all sentient beings with Affinity! 

I am showing Differentiation / Discrimination / Segregation?

Let us walk in Step with our Beloved Root Guru, Living Buddha Lian Sheng, yet again on the Noble 8 Fold Path of Discovery!

This is without prejudice! 

Excerpts from : [ Mar 29 ] Layperson Measures Buddha – Flash lights

One’s Buddha nature do not increase or diminish; do not change with environmental stimuli; …….. can Guru’s Buddha nature or spirit pop out from fear?

I sincerely hope that those in authority asked Guru and not come to their own conclusion and stop students from taking pictures for records and memories sake.

I also sincerely asked that all be discerning and observant and don’t follow others’ instructions blindly or enforce others’ personal deductions upon fellow students and all sentient beings.

Remember Buddha also teaches something called : Impermanence!

Things are ever changing around us, armed yourself well with Dharma to succour self as well as others. Find the Path with your own wisdom.

Only a Buddha will not be affected by Impermanence.

What others fed you might be lethal!

Story time over!

Now work with your brains!


What do I mean by “Layperson Measures Buddha”?

I will be nice and give you the answers: This student is a Titled master and obviously has never yoga with his Root Guru at all! 

his Root Guru? - hypothetically, each of us should have one Root Guru only.  However it is possible for some to go seek out other Gurus which they perceived as more powerful and can impart skills to them to make them very powerful in a very short time!

However, This Titled master has made assumption without TRUE KNOWLEDGE of what a Living Buddha is all about! 

From his misconception, he gave orders to stop all flash light photography immediately and those that carried out his orders blindly as well, become involved in Collective Karma of Creating Suffering to a large number of Sentient Beings.

The master initiated Suffering of Grievances for unfair/unjust treatment through something called: Ignorance in Buddha Dharma’s perspective.

Therefore, I hinted to all to Find the Path with your own wisdom as what others fed you might be lethal!

If you follow the lead of an ignorant one, without using your own wisdom, you will get dragged into the quagmire of his karmic negatives jointly.

Studying and understanding Buddha Dharma, you can save yourself from unknowingly falling into negative territory and might even be able to halt the negatives from being created!

Students asked why they cultivate daily but still have so much karmic negatives?

From the above example, I hope sincerely you understand what guru said: know what you can do and what you can’t!

As for those that think I am crazy or mad, because I teach you something that is different or even completely opposite from what some Titled masters taught you; I hope you listen to Guru only!

O! when you accused me of “talking bad” about Sanghas – the criteria is whether they are True Sanghas or not!

Explaining the Truth is not Talking Bad!

Concealing the Truth and agreeing with anyone’s Lies or Untruth constitutes Lying or Cheating Collectively which is Collective Karma!

Let me give examples:

A group of lawyers help their client, DC, to lie in Court to cheat his spouse and children financially. They created Collective Karma! Anyone on DC’s side that has a hand in this matter are all Collectively involved!

Let me point out how these Collective Karma return.

A whole plane full of passengers and crew died from plane crash. Some that are not involved with them, did not manage to board the plane for some reason.

A whole vessel full of passengers on a cruise died when the vessel sank.

Earth quake split the earth and a large number of people and living beings dropped in together. [even animals; insects; .... ]

The quite recent Tsunami that took lots of lives collectively from different parts of Asia at almost the same time.

Natural Disasters are all end results of Collective Karma of a group of beings!

Seeing things clearly with the knowledge of Buddha Dharma is very important, correct?

Does anyone still thinks I am crazy and talking bad about others?

Before you accused anyone, think deeply and go the Buddha Way, use the 4 Noble Truths and the Noble 8 Fold Path first!

Pick up any good stuff from this journey?

Enjoyed yourselves?

Cheers all.

Pure Karma
Lama Lotuschef
True Buddha School

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