
Friday, June 8, 2012

[08-06-2012] Amazing Tantrayana – Simplicity

The Four Immeasurable.
It means cannot be measured and also infinite. It can also mean we can’t apply a Fix value of measurement to it too.
This is the very first part in our cultivation Sadhana as set out by our Guru, Living Buddha Lian Sheng.
I often ask fellow students have they given any thought to this?
For people that entangle themselves with much unnecessary material or what they termed relevant knowledge, too busy to have time to look at the Simple things in Life, they missed out!
:) . Sad but very true!
I am alleged by some to have hopped onto Mara’s wagon because I am not supposed to know what is considered as “difficult” theories.
In Buddhism, nothing is difficult as one learns to transform them with Dharma Knowledge.
Guru said many times that Dharma is everything we do.
Buddha wants all to leave suffering behind and attain happiness.
The Path is simple to walk if you drop unnecessary sentient materials that you perceived as vital to your survival!
Many so called Dharma propagators like to use big words during their dharma speeches to show they are very well versed in their knowledge. I have encountered some that don’t even understand this terms they used. Eventually, attendance dropped drastically and most steer clear of these propagators and their events.
For those in True Buddha School, we are fortunate to have Grand master Lu explains Dharma to us in very simple forms and easily digestible for most.
Let me share a tip when listening to Guru’s speech. Relax and listen with an open mind. Throw away your preconceive Right & Wrong and Must Be….
Like getting empowerment transmission, wholeheartedly form Mudra; Visualize and chant Mantra. You will get full empowerment.
Why did so many failed to absorb Guru’s explanation?
Too preoccupied with what they think should be “the way”!
Do you know that the 6th Zen patriarch is illiterate?
I remember a student said I won’t be able to understand the simplified version of his sutra!
It really doesn’t matter as Guru explained the whole sutra and all documented by video and transcripts.
Sentient mindset tend to complicate matters to make things unreachable to others. This is very selfish mindset!
A student said one evening while sharing some views on cultivation.
He said: I have been thinking deeply about this matter for the past 10 years and I just not willing to share my findings with all of you!
[ The naughty lotus babe in me said silently: then don't share and pack it up!]
In the end, it really wasn’t worth listening to him!
Poor soul! Amituofo!!! Spent 10 years!!! Yes! 10 Years on something so simple and so insignificant too!!!
The students he cultivated with all like to act that they cultivated well and put on airs too!
I remember they are scared of those they think have heavy karmic negatives. They believe they can get infected!!!
They shunted me when I first took refuge!!!
I admit I am pretty much a rebel. However, I am a well mannered and educated one.
Well, understand what you are doing with every step and you will find that the variation and transformation are immeasurable too!
Don’t let words hinder you in any way!
Simple and makes you happy and comfortable is the way to go.
Cheers all.
Pure Karma
Lama Lotuschef
True Buddha School

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