
Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Fire-mouthed Ghost King

Fire-mouthed Ghost King
He has many other names like Burnt-facedGhost King; Charred faced Ghost King; Por-tor Gong; ….
Heis a transformation of Avalokitesvara.
Manyplaces traditionally pray to him before the 7th Lunar month wherebymost people pray to the ghost or spirit. Most believe he is incharge of allghost/spirit in the earthly realm .

Burnt face ghost kingis mentioned in a sutra detailing Ananda’s meeting with him.
Buddha’s disciple,Ananda, was in deep meditation when he suddenly encountered a bony body with aface burning with strong flame, unusually painful and unique ghost king, cameforward and said to Ananda that in 3 days time will descend to the Hungry GhostRealm.
In order to avoid thisfate, one has to charitably offer to hundreds of thousands of Hungry Ghosts andother ghosts, each gift them with one measure of food and drink and also offerto the Triple Gems.
Ananda reported to Buddha, and Buddha taught him [Dharani of howto gift food]. Food that are blessed become Dharma Offering, Offer to TripleGems up-high, equally offer to lower realms’ ghost and beings. This can reducethe sufferings of all ghosts, enabling them to discard their ghostly forms, andattain rebirth in Heavenly realm. Ananda does as instructed by Buddha, set upan altar with Burnt face ghost king’s edict/order, offering pure food toSanghas to seek auspicious blessing, thereby escaping his unfortunate fate.
Adapted from GM’sbook 161 – A Cool Thought.
On one of my astraltrip to Hell to share Dharma; met a ghost king; his ghostly head has 2 horns,eyes like bronze bells, fierce light showing, tongue stretch out a few feet,both canine teeth exposed, blue-colored body, his form is extremely frighteningor fearful.

However, I know this [Charred face ghost king] is a big Boddhisattva,Avalokitesvara’s transformation from her Wish to facilitate and ease variousmatter in Hell, and reaches everywhere to succor countless sentient beings.

This truly is Avaslokitesvara’s Boddhicitta Wish, not only 32 transformationforms, actually all surrounding realms, including Charred face ghost king inHell, all with purpose of succoring and blessing all sentient beings, withoutleaving out anyone.

I put my palms together and ask Ghost King: Hell has Ghost King, why then stillhave so many sentient beings here?
Ghost King: The beings in Hell, mostly willing to give themselves up,don’t accept succoring, hard to succor with True hearted intent.

I said: Buddha said, even those that committed the 5 wrongs; heart filled with10 evil; slander & lies; fabrications; constantly criminally orientated;upon death should dropped into AvīciNiraja; upon meeting Kalyanamitra, teaching him to chant Buddha once, thisperson believing this, develop one repentant thought; chant Buddha’s name10times; can transform Hell to Pureland; in this way, those in Hell, undergoingcountless sufferings, but if chant Buddha’s name 10 times, can all be succor?
Ghost King answered:  You see theslaughter house of today, gathering living beings to kill, all round the clockwithout halting. You see those brothels with beastly cry non-stop. You see thegambling dens, non-ending shouts of win and loss. These sentient beings, whichone can chant Buddha’s name?
Ghost King continued: Slaughter house non-stop; brothels non-stop; gamblingdens non-stop. Killing; stealing; promiscuous acts; lies; alcohols no end.Greed; Anger; Ignorance; non-stop. All arises from sound and sight, the heartsee all Karma and Forms grow from the Heart, in this way, when then can Hell beempty?
I was dumb-founded.

Charred face ghost king said: Those that I am able to succor, all due toaffinity with Buddha. However, body 3 mouths and 4 and various evil deeds,cannot be completely destroyed, these beings go straight to Hell and bearlimitless sufferings, although like this, their inherent Good will not bedestroyed. I, Ghost King, therefore explain Dharma and Dharani, explainBuddha’s heart, if there are those that believe in Buddha’s teachings, or chantAmitabha Buddha’s name, when opportunity and affinity arise, will get succor.
I said: Therefore, in this way, there will be a lot of those being succored ?
Ghost King answered: Not really. Why? In the present time, places the canpropagate Dharma is extremely little. Even in places where Dharma ispropagated, those believers are extremely little. Even those believers thatstudiously cultivate are extremely little. Therefore, those that get succoredare extremely little too!
My heart feels extremely sad.        

Why the sudden interest in this Ghost King?
Well, I met someone who can do Bardo delivery with this Ghost King's help.
As I have yet to find any article detailing how this Ghost King can do delivery to Heavenly realm for ghosts, I don't think I should share the method that the student shared with me.

Perhaps those students that have read any article by GM explaining delivery of ghosts to Heavenly realms can share them with me and I will translate them as best as I can. 

True Buddha School
Pure Karma

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