
Friday, November 25, 2011

25-11-2011 [24-11-2011 Need Fashi help] - 2

Emails discussion.

24-11-2011 Need Fashi help

Faith JunHao in my humble opinion, forget about the spiritual response!  the more u chase the farther it is. Just chant and dedicate it to all sentient beings.
Even if you get spiritual response, what is the benefit???
For the insomnia, eat banana, it is good for depression + don't think anything when you are in bed, else you will only stay awake for the whole night..just slowly read the blog and again listen closely to GM

Xiaotian Zhu i think he should share more informations: how old he is, family background, environment background, problems with girlfriends?, what he mean by 'spiritual response', any emotional trauma in past, his mindset, why he connected insomnia with Kaowangcing, he want to cure his insomnia by Kaowangcing? has he gone to doctor, etc

Francesca Poon "I don't know why this several days i can't sleep" = not a long term problem. His major problem is EXPECTATION OF SPIRITUAL RESPONSE FROM CHANTING GAO WANG JING

Belinda Tan I dont understand why he needs spiritual response!!! Why is he bothered about whether GM knows there is "he" this student??? He obviously lacks GM trust. Althou he don't see GM or dreams about GM, but I am sure GM is with him all the while. He needs to hv confidence in GM

Funglie Huang Chanted 7 thousand times Gao Wang Jing and you wanted to quit now, bro/sis Lian Hua Y? Well, in my opinion that's a little bit pity... as it is not an easy task to do sustainably, for me especially. You should be proud of yourself, one thing for sure you already establish a deep bond with Guan Yin Bodhisattva.
Why there is no spiritual response? I don't know the answer precisely, maybe Fashi could give you a better instructions.. You have to stop giving yourself such pressure, this is something not according GM taught.. I remember GM told story that Bodhisattva Asanga spent 12 years to having spiritual connection with his Yidam : Maitreya.. You see, even a master had this sort experience too. GM taught us in the process of cultivation to sleep well, eat well, work or study as usual according our duty.. maybe you could relax a little bit, somehow arrange yourself living a normal life. Remember we can not attain anything if our body itself disintegrate.. don't you agree? Amitofo...

Francesca Poon Dear Funglie, Thanks for the vote of confidence that I might be able to answer -- "Why there is no spiritual response?" hahaha...
Dear all, read his email properly again.

Lian Hua Johnnie An important point to bear in mind if one break precepts and One's behaviour is Not virtuous and holy cultivation results will be negatively affected.

Helen Cheong In the first place you did a wonderful thing is that you ask GM for help yourself that is a true fact as TB student. Maybe cultivation or visualization is wrong. Sometime simple thing like offering maybe good if you do not know visualization. Hope this simple tips is good for you. Stay there as a TB student and do not anyhow go to other "medium" which results usually worsen. Amitoufo

Lian Hua Johnnie Some pointers which may help, you have to self check 
Focus, your chanting and Visualisation has to be focus and concentrated otherwise the results will be minimal,it becomes loose chanting.
Visualisation stops wandering thoughts.

If you are focus should feel effects of warm, lights and or tingering feelings.
This verifies diety has descended, better if you get water drops which indicates Kuan Yin is present.
May aslo be your karma or karmic creditors that's affecting results

Amituofo / Lotuschef / Pure Karma / True Buddha School

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