
Monday, October 31, 2011

31-10-2011 Memories of past Lifetimes?

Pure Karma

J asked me last year, what I learned this life, can I still remember and use for next life?
I ask him why he wants to know.
His answer is if can’t remember and use then he won’t bother to waste time taking self-improvement courses!
I told him One Normally Can’t Remember stuff from past lifetimes unless one cultivate then he can travel back & forth through his past as well as his future.
Since learning is for Self Improvement, which means one will lead a better, smoother and correspondingly happier life than the present, am I right?
So why not if you have time and resources to further study?
I had an unusual encounter.
I met someone that had dreams about his previous life as a soldier!
He exhibited first one life as a female then the next one as a soldier!
When I told him I saw a soldier, he said he dreams often of a soldier!
I told him that life as soldier left a very deep imprint on him that is why the memories didn’t completely erase and reset!
He was introduced by a friend of his who is a student as he has some hindrances.
He is not facing hindrances from the soldier’s lifetime but the female one now.
The rest is confidential.
Amituofo / Lotuschef / Pure Karma / True Buddha School

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