
Sunday, October 23, 2011

23-10-2011 Self-Immolation - Viewpoint

Self-immolation is tolerated by some elements of Mahayana Buddhism and Hinduism, and it has been practiced for many centuries, especially in India, for various reasons, including Sati, political protest, devotion, and renouncement.

This topic is new to me until I received a note from a confused fellow student. I did research and truly am shock at what I learned.

The following are my humble opinion. Readers may choose to differ.

1. Who planted the idea to self-immolate into the minds of these Suicidal Ignorants?

2. In Buddhist Precepts – Suicide is Killing and Killing a Potential Buddha at that!

3. Tolerated?? Why?? Someone in authority should share Dharma properly and not let ignorants break precepts of Killing.

4. Renouncement is to break all attachments to sentient matters, therefore Ridiculous to commit suicide in form of Political Protest.

5. The student who wrote to me was concerned because these are Buddhist too and it scared her much to read that the Dalai lama did prayers for these “murderers”, which seem to the layperson as acknowledgement of their Great Sacrifice!

6. Devotion? To whom?

7. Martyrdom. [of disdain for the body in favor of the life of the mind and wisdom] Mutilating/destroying one’s body/shell retards cultivation. Doing it to be a hero?

Hero? What Hero? Once you are dead, you are of the past and no longer exist!

Like GM said, many cultivated on the surface for 20-50 years without achieving anything or understanding where they are headed.
I believe it is up to the Dharma propagators to truly understand Dharma before attempting to propagate it. Else you are the Instigators of Murdering Buddhas.
Just as if you are the one that personally committed murder.

Your hands are immersed in Blood.

Hahaha! Scary, but True.

Take a Close Look at Self Properly Now.

Amituofo / Lotuschef / Pure Karma

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