
Wednesday, April 6, 2011

6-4-2011 六道金刚咒轮 6-Realms Vajra mantra wheel 【1】

佩带解脱护身咒轮 —— 无上密法宝 度生大宝筏 无量劫难遇 得着当敬护

The mantra is of Tibetan Nyimapa Buddhist origin, Renahutuketu(pinyin) personally compiled; contains all Buddhas secrets empowerment.

Can be place inside Statues, pagodas, bells, septres, books/banners, halls, doors, paper, bamboos, on walls, wooden planks. Anyone that has contact be it sight, touch, sound, or dust accumulated on the mantra blown onto one's body, can eradicate lots of Karmic negatives, and in future can attain Buddhahood.

望诸有缘人广为传播,功德无量。 南无阿弥陀佛。
We hope all with affinity to help spread and share this amazing mantra wheel. Merits unlimited. amituofo.

此咒在师尊心咒(长)内 - 阿诃萨沙吗哈.
This is part of GM's mantra (long) - Ah He Sa Sha Ma Ha.

**I will be sharing this with all attendees of this coming SATURDAY's [9 April 2011] events:-

10am - Vajrasattva's mantra marathon at Lei Zhang Si Singapore, Lorong 19 Geylang Road, Singapore

6pm - Padmakumara's fire puja with Qing Ming Festival offerings to ancestors & etc
23 New Industrial Road Singapore.

All welcome.

Due to limited stock, the above mantra wheel is one per attendee only. I will also explain the use of this. It is JUST A PIECE OF PAPER if you do not know how to initialize it for use.

For fire puja: please register with Lotus Helen 98584256. We need to prepare a share of puja offerings for each one.

Pure Karma Vihara

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