
Thursday, November 11, 2010

Karma 11 November 2010 - Body Language of Liars

Nowadays many who womanized in China & etc & broke up their families back home in HK, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Taiwan & etc.
In the Divorce Court flanked by expensive legal "eagles" they often lie about their worth & cheat their spouses & children out of proper living support. Many I come across go repeatedly to court because their ex-spouses failed to abide court orders for maintenance. Most just shirk responsibility & write off their families.
The thing about the LIES they sworn in is the interesting part. They created the destitute & poverty scenario that if they but realized, they have to act it out or live it out for the rest of their lives to put Truth to those lies else the ex-spouses file a Perjury case against them.

I am sharing some Body Language of Liars.
They avoid eye contact & turn their heads away to push through a lie. Notice the position of their feet in Court also gave them away. As they churned more lies which they somehow can not remember what was the recent version, their feet are positioned in such a way that they are ready to make a run for it. Haha. I learnt these from Criminology people. Now their hands!! Clasp & unclasp & hide them under desk to try & stabilize their 'excitement'. Face pale & often greenish & mouth dry-looking.
Breathing escalated or very pronounced movement.

Well, when you build a castle you live in it. Living out the lies one perpetuated is truly sad as one lives in perpetual fear of detection & corresponding punishment. The castle seems to shrink faster & faster & suffocate them. Haha. Visualized rings you put around yourself & as you put more & more they bury you.
I believe living this kind of life is an eternal punishment.

Now from the Karma angle.
Greed, Lies, Adultery, Anger, Hatred, Jealousy, Pride, Power, Control.... are characteristics of beings of the 3 Lower Realms.
Eg. the eternally hungry ghost - all materials they touch or try to eat will turn into fireballs that burn & cause pain.
The cumulative total of the above traits determine where they are place & how much & how long they have to go through the various halls of the underworld.
You can find some tit bits about the underworld in Ksitigarbha Sutra.

Grand Master said a cultivating yogi should not lie. I think all of us should not lie because in the end our Karma returns to reward or punish.

Have a nice day.

With metta,

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