
Thursday, November 4, 2010

4 Nov 2010 - Boddhisattva Left

Invited to this house. The Goddess of Mercy Statue is vacant.
According to the Lady of the house who is a Christian from childhood, she said 4-5months ago she had a dream. In that dream, the altar is empty. 
The altar was set up about a year ago & "opening blessings" done. 
Something is not right for the Boddhisattva to leave.

This is better than the one I saw earlier this year. The ONE sitting inside Sakyamuni Buddha's statue gave me a nasty look (gangsterish). Haha! Shocked me!
The premises floor sagged inwards like a cave in. The drain outside is choked & smell real foul.
Did a cleansing & re-invoke all to descent upon altar to enjoy offerings.
The drain outside - Dragon King rain heavy & flush away the stagnant & smelly stuff. Was justcasually remarking that if Dragon King would rain heavy & clear the stagnant drain it will be very good.
Dear Dragon King really kindly help out. 
Offerings to Dragon King - Usnisa Vijaya Mantra printed incense paper folded into lotus flower & pagoda.Plus various True Buddha incense paper each 3 or 7 pcs. Fresh flowers & milk.

Remember the 8 foremost Dragon Kings took refuge under GM. We are one family. 
Just follow GM's footsteps will do.
GM said it is hard to ask that one believe him 100%, but let us all try. 


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