Monday, December 9, 2019

禅定之神话 Myth of Meditation

神话 - myth, mythology, fairy tale
虚构的人 - myth

MEDITATION - a widely recommended Health Improvement Practice!

However, it is also widely misinterpreted and use by unscrupulous to cheat unknowing public.

A lady I met on recent vacation said her meditation tutor said she can see light and it means she is successful in achieving Meditation proper.

Another version from a couple is just as misleading!

A fellow dinner companion asked me: So what is Meditation?

In recent sermons by GM Lu, Meditation is a state when Purity of Mind is achieved and sustained!

All the myth and misconception abounding all around us with regards to Meditation can cause great harm to many that fall easy preys to confidence tricksters.

In my humble opinion, a one tutor to 4 students ratio is ideal for learning Meditation.

I wrote about the dangers that might occur when novices enter "a light path or tunnel" during meditation practice. 

Changes to anyone student during meditation should be closely watch or scrutinize by the tutor, so as to "wake-up" or "draw-back" the student so that he/she won't enter any abysses, resulting in loosing parts or all of their 3 souls and 7 spirits!

Yes! Those that lost a part or parts of the 3 souls & 7 spirits can be detected by their far away look and to some greater extend, they are diagnosed as "crazy"!

Pre-requisites of practicing Meditation?

Cleanse your souls first.
Yes. Pure Karma shares many ways to cleanse One's Karmic negatives, in other words, One's soul!

Next, ensure breathing passages are not partially or close to fully blocked.

An erect spine is also another important requisite.

For fellow students of GM Lu, listen or refer to His teachings & sharings diligently or even ask relevant questions to help you practice Meditation.

For others, take a good look at the tutor or instructor to see if they repel you in anyway.
A tutor with integrity will have a shine and welcoming warmth!

With metta

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef


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