
Sunday, November 26, 2017

Wake Up Please! 请醒醒吧!

If you scroll through the Abhiseka video for the above event, GM Lu has the [Young Jin-mu aura] throughout the Abhiseka period!

2017年11月25日聖尊蓮生活佛盧勝彥開示精要「蓮翰上師的因果是所有密教弟子的警惕!」- 台灣雷藏寺
The above link: GM Lu revealed the Karma resultant of the late VM Lian-han, as a cautionary teaching to all Tantrayana students. 

[17:26, 11/25/2017] AA: GM really drops bombs today
BB: Yup. 100% enlightened also bluff one
: thats why his aura don't match an enlightened one!!!
: So I didn't see wrong! hehe

AA: yes, GM endorses your writings
BB: ya.
: so he is yet another to ask for enlightenment answer!!!
: thinking that there is an answer to Enlightenment is already very very wrong
: real sad that he didn't understand what GM said about 2 asking for answers to enlightenment!
AA: that enlightenment bug really hit so many people
BB: ya. its the Demon test lol
: why WANT to be affirmed as Enlightened?
: when you crave something, u fall prey to Mara
: the 100% enlightened is GM n not lian-han lol
AA: 🙏
BB: but he can hit table hard to show anger at his own Root guru, so just satisfy his craving. anyway his own Karma to bear
: 2 actually acted as the Mara's envoy in attracting ppl to force enlightenment answers from GM.
: hahaha! To those like me, he is a blessing in disguise, showing us not to follow his ways!
: so he is not absolute bad nor evil! :)
AA: yes hor
BB: ya. all turn back to the Middle path
AA: gaining several perspectives from observing
BB: I just play along with them for FUN only

Lotuschef in Chat - Guru said: Know what you can do and what you can't!
Do you agree that Core don't have any diligent cultivators and they are also acting very unlike True Buddha's students?
What do they do at meetings with a Permanent Chairman?
Why did Core's chairman lead his team to bang their heads against a Solid Rock Wall?
They really show utmost disrespect for Guru as they didn't listen and cultivate to Guru's guidance, all these while, agree?

Guru said many times : Know what you can do and what you can't!
Guru said: Respect Guru, Treasure Dharma, Diligently Cultivate!
Guru said: Hinayana, the very basic rule is NOT TO HARM ANYONE!
Guru said: when the Universe don't support you, you are in dire danger!

Forming a group and use the combine strength to threaten and harm is definitely those from and associates of [ilovegm] forum, agree?

Hahaha! Their favorite slogan: Show them our enormous strength, so that they hear wind of this strength, then lost their guts and flee!!!
Very un-buddha like, agree?
L: and GM chose an admin team ONLY!
........seems to be overjoyed with this announcement!
N he's going to be more bullying n bossy
A: yes, admin only, because there was also vice successor mentioned
L: like the sadhguru said: don't crave for things that the guru is not ready to give u

GM Lu said many times that he will [随顺众生]- means he will follow sentient beings' wishes and appease them accordingly!

It always the Individual's own Karma to bear solely by Self!
You want? Okay! I give you!!!

THINK: Can you really "Enjoy" or "Utilise" these "Gifts" from your Root Guru that are given only to Satisfy your Cravings AND NOT because you are ready for them or merit them!!!

I tried so many times to warn you all!

For those still following the Fake VMs & Masters, best wake up now!

If not, you are as good as participating in a Party with Ghostly spirits only!

With Metta

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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