
Tuesday, November 21, 2017

假的上师 Fake Vajramaster ~ 误导 Misleading

Quoting from 供到你心疼 Offer Till Your Heart Ache?:

[--- A reverend likes to say these during his speeches: In offering, offer until your heart ache, then it is the right amount or value!

Dear all,
If you know the very basic of Buddha's teachings, it is to leave suffering and attain happiness!
Why should you feel heart ache then you are offering the right amount?
This reverend don't have an inkling about sincere and effective offering, agree? ---]


Quoting from 真的出家人 True Votarist:

[--- Hilariously, he (GM Lu) explained that a True Votarist is one that CAN renounce all and be at ease; at peace; and stay pure!
That is Purity of Body Speech Mind, crucial factors for Samadhi; Yoga & Buddha hood.

Well, I have stressed that No one can help you cultivate and One has to put in diligent effort himself/herself.
Hahaha! Of note: GM Lu said that being dressed up like a Monk/Nun, is of no import if one can't enter Samadhi or let go of all sentient entanglements!
Going through the ceremony or getting ordained serve no purpose if one can't cultivate to attain Samadhi! ---]


Dear all,
is there a "Right Amount" to offer?

Do you feel joy oozing out from within as you gradually get immersed step by step into a chosen Sadhana?

If you don't, then the Master that gave you instruction to cultivate is a FAKE!

During the recent Jakarta Homa event, I told attendees that they will "Fall in love" with me! :)
Teaching the attendees, mostly First-timers at Homa event, guiding them through the Sadhana, making sure they don't feel inadequate and instilling relax and joyful mood, they naturally enjoy themselves doing offering to Divinities, and smiling from start to finish.
They all left with smiles on their faces as well!

Start with teaching them to "VOID" or expel stale/stagnant Qi - its easy to take deep breath, hold and when I count to 3, expel by using the sound "Ai" (Love)!
It helps to place a hand over the "Dan-tian" and lightly push this 'dan-tian' part of the abdomen inwards when expelling. 
Then doing 3 deep breathing, hold and expel, after visualising the distribution of light throughout the body and also opening all skin pores to expel!
The process of Purification brings about a Joyful mood!

This is then the Ideal status to start cultivation of Tantric dharma!

Simply put - a Purification of Body Speech Mind!

The reverend is yet another like the XX that GM Lu named!

XX said a certain deity likes to eat the best shark-fin soup!
This reverend teach you to offer until the value of your offering give you a Heart-ache!!!

Another reverend taught temple's personnel to tell worshippers that a minimum sum of $100, is the appropriate amount to gongyang reverends!

If you feel heart-ache at giving any sum of money as gongyang to reverends, then please do not give any. 
You lack sincerity in this offering and most probably, you don't believe what the reverends are "Selling" to you!

Your best choice is to listen to your chosen guru and follow your where your Buddha Affinity leads!
Don't join those that are easy preys to fake monks and nuns!

With Metta

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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