
Wednesday, November 29, 2017

29-11-2017 失魂 Lost Soul – 三魂七魄 3 Spiritual and 7 Physical Souls

Terjemahan Bahasa: Roh Hilang – 3 Hun & 7 Po


The above movie, entitled [Exorcism Teenager], the lead role is a Chinese Medical Practitioner that also is a Taoist master.
One of his patients, a female that is addicted to online games, got [lost] into the Realm of the game.

The master defined [三魂七魄]- 3 spiritual and 7 physical souls.
Also explaining the Signs & Symptoms of the subject if the individual souls are lost!

1.(灵魂) soul
招魂 call home the soul of the dead; 忠魂 loyal soul
2.(精神; 情绪) mood; spirit
神魂不定 be distracted; have the jitters; 失魂落魄 be scared out of one's wits
3.(指国家、民族的崇高精神) the lofty spirit of a nation
民族魂 national spirit

1.(魂魄) soul
魂飞魄散 (be frightened) out of one's wits; 
惊心动魄 soul-stirring; profoundly affecting
2.(魄力; 精力) vigour; spirit
气魄 boldness of vision; spiritedness; 体魄 physique


3 spiritual souls means Heaven, Earth, Human,

古称 “胎光、爽灵、幽精”,
in ancient times termed Womb light, at ease spirit, remote essence,

some termed as major soul, sensation soul, life soul,

or original vitality, yang vitality, ying vitality,

or heaven, conscious, human soul...

7 physical souls or mortal forms point to joy, anger, sorrow, fear, love, evil, desire, living inside the materialistic world, thats why when a human form passes away, all of these 7 mortal forms disappeared.

And later, follow a new Human form belong to the materialistic world of the Human realm.


Quoting from Crazy Wisdom – 失魂 Lost Spirit:

[--- Everything we Do, constitute to our own Karmic influences and "Prolonged Exposure" causes changes in our features or our goodness or evilness manifest into our physical form.

We see some met with freak accidents that should not have happened and they might land up being lame or missing a certain part of their body.

However, the topic here is a part or all of your spiritual essence got lost through Trauma or Life Threatening experiences.

Think: people with amnesia after an accident, what happened?

Their Karmic Creditors came along to collect from them, making them "Unwhole"! ---]


The Art Of Meditation
By Master Sheng-yen Lu
Translated and published by Lei Zang Si Singapore
This was translated from Grandmaster Lu's 45th book, 坐禪通明法.
Chapter 29 - Beware of "Absolute Emptiness"
This letter told me that Lan Chao-li has got into the state of "absolute emptiness." What is "absolute emptiness?"
We have the contemplation of illusoriness and the contemplation of emptiness. But if you don't understand the essence of the two combined, you fall into "absolute emptiness." 
Once you fall into that conception, you tend to think that everything is false, everything is empty and you lose the meaning of existence, become bored with life itself; to you, everything is grey and everything is empty; the worst part of it is that your mind is totally blank, and you can't extricate yourself from it.

When you are in the state of "absolute emptiness," it is like having your energy misplaced or breath travelling in the wrong channel. 

Your energy can not be concentrated and there is nothing you can do. 
The energy is gone, and you are disheartened. 
Both the body and the mind feel greatly weakened as if you were disabled. 
This is a failure in Taoist cultivation. 
In this state, the best practitioner may go to the Realm of Air in the Formless Realm, the middle class practitioner may go to the lazy land, and the lowest may become a "heartless ghost."



The movie don't have English Subtitles, and if I can find time, I will try and share the Signs & symptoms of the subject that lost the individual immortal or spiritual souls! 

Read some of the articles in this blogspot on [Lost spirit]?
Compare and see if I have been Bluffing or Lying, please!!!

With Metta.

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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