
Monday, January 25, 2016

法器的真實義 True Meaning of Dharma Instruments


蓮生活佛 > 師尊文集 > 45_坐禪通明法


The True Meaning of Dharma Instruments, with form or formless are listed below:

[1] Hand-held beads - 108 beads or small beaded bracelets. 
Here,  will talk about the 108 beads mala (Sanskrit:माला; mālā, meaning garland).
There is a bigger bead, the Mother Bead, signify Amitabha Buddha, commonly termed as [Buddha's Head], the 4 separating beads signify the 4 Heavenly Kings, the rest of the beads signify the Yidam of the cultivation session. 
Beads signify [Wisdom], when counting then become Turning Dharma Wheel.

[2] Vajra - this is one of Vajrayana's dharma instruments, there are 3 spokes or 5 spokes, and staff means Shattering, that is Destroying 3 Poisons breaking Demon's hindrances, revealing the divine power of Buddha, Boddhisattva, Vajra.
The Vajra means Steadfast and unmovable wisdom, shattering and destroying all hindrances.

[3] Wish fulfilling precious banner - this is secretly dignified, exhibiting pure cultivating Tao's heart, Boddhicitta. Any precious banner, is for all to be respectful and follow, erecting 10 thousands years of cultivation's pointer for all, with the pure Tao's heart breaking sentient's greedy desirous hearts.

[4] Prajna Casket - Buddhas & Boddhisattvas of the 3 times and 10 directions all rely on [Wisdom] to reach attainment. 
Prajna Casket signify that all Dharma are contained within it, many carved statues of Buddhas or Boddhisattvas have Prajna Casket in hand, representing attaining all Dharma with Wisdom. 
If all adhere to Buddha Dharma and cultivate, naturally will find Prajna Casket, getting great wisdom, becoming Dharma Princes.

[5] Charonia tritonis - is one of dharma instruments, have double meaning. 
First, it represents expounding dharma, because it can emit sounds, blowing big tritonis means expound great dharma concepts, expounding highest yana of dharma, succouring all beings.
Secondly, it represents wish-fulfilling dharma instrument, the cavity within accumulating treasures. 
In early days, Sakyamuni Buddha uses this to give blessing to sentient beings, granting their wishes, resulting in all accumulating treasures and wishes fulfilled.

  六、劍 Sword——劍是古代的兵器之一,在這裡卻表示智慧之力量,以慧劍斷三千煩惱,用法劍破邪魔外道,降伏三障四魔,除盡了三毒五欲,殺盡了魑魅魍魎,甚至慧劍斷情絲,快劍砍亂麻,全部一刀兩斷,永遠沒有牽掛,成了自由自在的修持行者。

  七、寶鬘——寶鬘就是花鬘 Flower wreath,這是祕密莊嚴的法物,花是一種極妙極香的象徵,持香花,表示清淨微妙的意義,萬德俱備。若手持蓮花,更象徵了品德的清淨,這種法器,表示平等性智的成就。


  九、淨瓶 Pure Vase——這是最普遍可以看見的法器,此法器內裝淨水,上層供天,下層供三惡道,用於施甘露水之用,具三昧耶之意義。所流出來,不祇是食,也是法味,寶藏與法典,施予一切所須要的眾生,上至天人,下至地獄,皆得法味之施食。


  十、持鉤 ——鉤 Hook又叫召鉤,據說鉤有王者的意義,四海全部來皈順,召鉤是密宗法器,有令入本尊之法界宮,召入如來的寂滅之德海,又召鉤可行法,召一切眾生盡入如來光明藏。

  十一、斧頭——斧頭 Axe 也是法器之一,象徵了摧破,這是破除魔障的一種至大的力量。摧破一切無明之念,離斷惑障。若天魔來干擾,一斧頭,就把天魔分成兩半,永遠不能合成一身了。

  十二、仙索 Divine Lasso ——古時仙法小說,皆有綑仙索之說,而索也是法器之一,密宗所有忿怒尊的金剛神眾,為了降伏惡魔,都有法索,又稱金剛索,有很多密宗行者都有一條金剛索,這是護身之用,此金剛索自然是縛魔用的,把魔綁住了,使其不敢來侵。又有一說,魔大半由自己心中幻成,這金剛索也是綁自己心魔的,令自己入法界,心不動之義。

  十三、寶鏡 Precious Mirror——鏡是象徵光明的,也就是破除黑暗,是大圓鏡智之意義。掛寶鏡也可破魔,是伏魔法器之一。另寶鏡又象徵加持之光,以這光來印自心之光,使心像明鏡一般,自自如如,呈現一切,無為而為。

  十四、金剛鈴 Vajra Gantha——鈴就是法音,諸佛菩薩所喜悅的聲音,搖鈴有攝心的作用,鈴一動,心神集中,神亦至也。另金剛鈴與金剛杵各由左右手握住,便表示了悲智雙運。

  十五、木魚 Wood-fish、缽 Bowl ——這兩種法器都是攝心作用,唱唸時所用的法器之一。






Dear all, GM Lu shared the various meaning for some Dharma Instruments, BUT do not be fixated about their Usages though!


As you cultivate & Practice [Boddhicitta] to benefit all sentient beings, some Formless Dharma Instruments can be PLACED into your hands to achieve Successful Execution of Boddhicitta! 

Not Kidding! 

All you need is Diligence in Cultivation with GM Lu's guiding HANDS! 

For example: From my personal experiences 

The Mala, whether the 108 beads one or the bracelet, can expand into a huge ring or circle to protect or shield! I used this often! :)

Likewise, the Axe, can also multiply to form a fortress to protect & shield.
I used this too, which is held by Ganesha, to do so! :)

I have use a white lighted sword and visualised multiplying to form a Sword-netting to keep those with evil intention away when I was staying in Seattle Temple's dormitory, next to the library! :)

I shared all these in this blog under series of [Astral Projection - Weapons] !

Cheers all

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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