
Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Dragon Fruit 龙珠果


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"Pitaya" usually refers to fruit of the genus Stenocereus, while "pitahaya" or "dragon fruit" always refers to fruit of the genus Hylocereus.



Types Of Dragon Fruit
The Sweet pitahaya or dragon fruit is of 3 types :
The red skinned but white fleshed fruit from the plant Hylocereus undatus
The red skinned and red fleshed fruit from the plant Hylocereus costaricensis or Hylocereus polyrhizus
The yellow skinned but white fleshed fruit from the plant Hylocereus megalanthus or Selenicereus megalanthus.

The white fleshed dragon fruit is the most commonly available variety.

Dragon fruit weighs from about 150 grams to about 600 grams

The fruit has a leathery and leafy skin with a flesh that is creamy textured and studded with lots of tiny, black and crunchy seeds throughout. It is mildly sweet tasting and especially low in calories.

The seeds are digested only if chewed and therefore to obtain the omega 3 fats they are rich in, ensure that you chew them.
Dragon fruits purify the air as they take in CO2 at night and give off oxygen.

Juice and wine is also made from dragon fruit. Tea is made from the flowers. 
The red colored dragon fruit may tinge the urine a reddish color but this is no cause for alarm and is harmless.

Nutritional Benefits Of Dragon Fruit
100 grams of dragon fruit provides -
60 calories of which 18 calories are from unsaturated fats, 8 cals from protein and 24 cals from simple carbohydrates.
No cholesterol and saturated fats.
High in poly unsaturated fatty acids like omega-3 and omega-6.
Provides high fiber content about 12% of the daily value.
Provides 34% daily requirement of vitamin C.
Rich in vitamins thiamin, riboflavin and niacin.
Contains good amounts of calcium, phosphorus and iron.
Also contains lycopene and phyto albumins.
Dried dragon fruit has 10 times the nutrient value of fresh dragon fruit ir vitamins and minerals.


Health Benefits Of Dragon Fruit
Some of the health benefits of dragon fruit are enumerated below.

The flavonoids in dragon fruit lower the risk of heart disease and high blood pressure. 
Dragon fruit also reduces oxidative stress and artery stiffness as found in animal studies and therefore is thought to prevent complications associated with diabetes.
The high antioxidant levels lower the risk of many types of cancer.
The omega-3 fatty acids fight inflammation and auto immune diseases.
The high levels of fiber help to keep the digestive system healthy, prevent constipation and aid in controlling weight.
Vitamin B3 or niacin not only lowers cholesterol but improves skin condition as well.
The high levels of calcium and phosphorus keeps the bones and teeth strong and healthy and the iron levels prevent anemia.
Lycopene is beneficial in reducing risk of prostate cancer while the phyto albumins also reduce risk of cancer overall as they have antioxidant properties.
Dragon fruit consumption has been found to increase the excretion of heavy metal toxins from the body due to the presence of the phyto albumins.
Dragon fruit controls blood sugar levels naturally in those with type 2 diabetes.
It is a natural appetite stimulant and can improve appetite naturally after an illness.
Being rich in vitamin C, dragon fruit boosts the immune system, helps to reduce respiratory ailments like asthma and heals cuts, bruises and wounds.
The protein helps to build muscle mass and boost metabolism.
The carotene helps to maintain vision and improves memory.
Dragon fruit is a natural thirst quencher and refresher because of its high moisture content.
Since it is low in sugars and carbohydrates, dragon fruit is a beneficial fruit for diabetics.

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