
Thursday, October 15, 2015

禅宗开悟故事 Zen Enlightening Tales - 百年一梦 One Dream Per Hundred Years

Jin-shan (Gold mountain) ZM Tan-ying, from Zhejiang, surname Qiu, first name Da-guan, ordained at the age of 13 at Long-xin temple. 
At 18, he went on a visit to the capital and stayed at supreme court official (Tai Wei) Li Duan-yuan's garden residence.

One day, Tai-wei asked: Zen master, please tell what is Hell that people commonly talked about, whether it exist or not?
Tan-ying answered: All Buddhas expound dharma, like making up something our of nothing, like eyes seeing empty scenes, so have or don't have; 
Tai-wei is seeking emptiness from existing, hand scooping river water, is exhibiting existence from emptiness, truly laughable.
Like prison seen in front by people's eyes, why not see heaven within own heart?
Fear is at heart, Heaven or hell all a moment's thought, kind and evil also can become a scene or plane, Tai-wei if understand own heart, naturally no doubt or troublesome thoughts.
Tai-wei: How do understand heart?
Tan-ying: Not pondering on Kind or Evil.
Tai-wei: After not pondering, then where does heart belong?    
Tan-ying: Heart belongs nowhere, as per Diamond sutra: Due to non abiding, then heart grows.
Tai-wei: If one dies, then belong where?
Tan-ying: No knowing birth, how to know death?
Tai-wei: I already know about birth.
Tan-ying: Ask, birth from where?   
Tai-wei was in deep thought, when Tan-ying punch his chest and said: Only pondering here about what?
Tai-wei: I know, only know greedy ways, not aware of wasting time in faltering.
Tan-ying: One dream per hundred years.
At that moment, Tai-wei attain realisation and spoke this verse:
Still ignorant at 38 years of age. What is the difference of exist or not?
Turbulent river waters, faint lazy bank. When teacher has gone, arrow waves going east. 

Sakyamuni Buddha and historical or ancestral zen masters realised the Truth but not easy to explain to people.

生命有隔阴之迷,意即换了身体就不知过去一切 [Changed a body then won't know what happened in the past],故千古以来,生命之源,一直众说纷纭,莫衷一是。


Bearing in mind that Life's characteristic is Everything is Equal, even though forms of life varies tremendously, in Buddhism, the affinity that arises has void nature, 3 dharma prints, knowledge of deeds and cause and effect ... concepts, then can understand, birth from where? Death go where? 
Needless to ask.


One dream per hundred years?
Assuming that most survived a hundred years, then you enter the transmigration cycle and adopt a new body or form and resurface or reappear into this realm!

GM Lu always said: Life is but a stage show. You make your debut and then when the curtains are down, you exit.

In the limited time span that you have for this stage show, what should you concentrate on to ensure you escape transmigration or go to higher realm of less suffering?

GM Lu said that each individual's best choice is to cultivate to free Self!
No one can free you too!

Choice is always yours and yours alone!

Who is in charge of who?

Now, realised what it means to have control of one's own life and death?

GM Lu said also: I don't owe you and you don't owe me!
Understand now what he meant?

Does being on a reverend list in the sentient realm mean one's life and death?
It is so crucial to be listed that you will sell your soul to be "IN"?

If you wake up already, you will realise that what others chose to stick on you, is not important in determining whether you can free yourself from transmigration or not!

GM Lu said: I don't care and not bothered at all!

Golden words or life-saving ones from GM Lu, how many have you picked up and able to use?

Am I harming or helping you?

Cheers all

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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