
Thursday, September 10, 2015

佛的遗物 A Buddha's Legacy [1]

Terjemahan Indonesia: Pusaka Warisan Buddha [1]

Quoting from Guru was 阿底峡 Atiśa Dipankara Shrijnana:

Atisha's Legacy

Atisha remains an important figure in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition for several reasons. First, he refined, systematized, and compiled an innovative and thorough approach to bodhichitta known as "mind training" (Tib. lojong), in such texts as A Lamp for the Path to Enlightenment, and established the primacy of bodhichitta to the Mahayana tradition in Tibet. In this sense, Atisha not only dictated a scholarly model for bodhichitta but acted as a living human example.

Second, after King Langdarma's intolerant reign, the monastic Buddhist tradition of Tibet had been nearly wiped out. Atisha's closest disciple, Dromtönpa, is considered the founder of the Kadam school, which later evolved into the Gelug, one of the four main school of Tibetan Buddhism. Although monasticism and the lojong teachings were of greatest centrality to the Kadam/Gelug, they were incorporated into the other three schools—the Nyingma, Kagyu, Sakya—as well.

Finally, Atisha mobilised his influence in India towards the goal of reforming the impurities and redirecting the development of Buddhism there, in the native country of the Shakyamuni Buddha. For these reasons and more, Atisha remains a central figure in the history and religious study of Buddhism.


Atisha – Lamp for the Path of Awakening:
Those who long to put a complete end
To all the sufferings of others
Through the sufferings of their own experience—
Individuals such as these are supreme.
    Atīśa, Lamp for the Path to Enlightenment, 5

Cheers all.

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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