
Sunday, June 14, 2015

Preparation for Mini Homa for Jakarta

六月 十三 日 Saturday, Sabtu — June 13, 2015
(Jakarta time, Waktu Jakarta WIB)

Jakarta, Indonesia

The White Maha Padmakumara 大白莲花童子
Amitabha Buddha 阿彌陀佛
Ksitigarbha-raja Bodhisattva 地藏王普薩
Golden Mother of the Primordial Jade Pond 瑤池金母
Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva 觀世音菩薩
Maha Cundi Bodhisattva 大準提佛母
Yellow Jambhala 黃财神
Guru Rinpoche Padmasambhava 莲花生大士
Bhaisajyaguru Buddha 藥師佛
Shri Bhagavan Maha Acharya Vajrasattva 金剛薩埵

Yes! 10 yidams!

Preparing for 10 trays of offering starts in Singapore!

Below: These are the Auspicious Pouches, yet to be filled.

Below: The 10 offering trays.

Below: Various incense offering & rice.

Below: Hmmm. The various crowns that Pure Karma designed for offering during Homa.

Below: Green sandalwood beads, and various crystals for the Auspicious Pouches.

Below: The scrolls of satin in 5 colors.

Below: Incense & Fragrances.

Below: Glittering stuff for the pouches and offering trays! :)

Below: Multi-colored paper with glitters embedded, for offering to Homeless spirtis; and various deities.

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