
Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Special Bundles for Vesak Celebration

Terjemahan Indonesia: Paket Khusus untuk Perayaan Waisak

Pure Karma will celebrate the coming Vesak Festival from 25th May 2015 which is 8th day of Lunar 4th month, the birthday of Sakyamuni Buddha, with 7 mini homas, ending on 1st June 2015, Vesak day proper.

All dedication to 5 Routes or 8 Routes Fortune Deities, bundled with a Weapons filled page & relevant mixed incense paper.

These assortment of weapons will help execute various tasks if you are in need of help for an upcoming project or just want to be equipped and ready for any task. :)

Lighting of lamps also available.
For sharing of Brightness on such an auspicious festival!
Each Lamp bundle consist of one lamp and one wishing star: SGD 10 each.
Make ONE wish per bundle.

Don't forget the Earth Deities and Spirits too!
Special Earth Deities & Spirits bundle at SGD 128 each.
During other events, this bundle is SGD 188 each.

Karmic or Fetus Spirits dedication special at SGD 68 each.
This one has to dedication 3 or 7 times.

All registration for dedication for the Vesak Festival close on 30th May 2015.
Send your registration to:

Cheers all.

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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