
Saturday, May 16, 2015

Karmic Negatives & 4 Preliminaries Practive 除業障與四加行

Selective & Summary Translation by Lotuschef.
For a version you can truly and fully understand, please do your own translation.

蓮生活佛著作> 盧勝彥文集> 第45册文集_坐禪通明法


After I gotten 3rd eye (Heavenly Eye), during each meeting with visitor, I can see this person's past life with One Glance.


但,我看來人,有些人業障確實特別的重,有人前世是豬來轉世,有人前世是猴 來轉世,有人前世是熊來轉世,更糟的是從餓鬼道而來的,從地獄道而來的。
When I see these visitors, some have especially heavier Karmic negatives, some transmigrated from pigs, monkeys, bears, and worse ones from the Hungry Ghosts Realm, from Hell Realm.

雖然這 些人前世不好,業障也重,但我同樣收為學生,利鈍兼收,一視同仁。
Although these people's past lives not good, karmic negatives heavy, but I also accept them as students without differentiation, viewing all equally.

我教這批學生,從除業障與「四加行法」先著手,尤其「四加行法」原是密宗一 切法的基礎,歷代諸祖都要弟子先修「四加行法」,因為業障重的人,未修「四加行 法」,一定會生出諸魔障,易入歧迷途,危險實甚。
In my sector or school, these students start from eliminating Karmic Negatives and 4 Preliminaries Practice, as this practice is the Foundation of Tantrayana.
All ancestral masters require that students first cultivate 4 Preliminaries Practice, because Karmic negatives are heavy, those that didn't cultivate this practice will surely give rise to all Mara's Hindrances, easy to enter wrong and lost path, truly very dangerous.

修這「四加行法」,一者除業 障,二者為一切法之基礎,千千萬萬不可忽視。
Cultivating 4 preliminaries practice, firstly can eliminate Karmic Negatives; 
secondly, as Foundation for all Dharma practices, must not overlook.


四加行法之一:「四皈依法」4 refuge dharma

每日修持,先觀想上師形容,頂上嗡字現白光照射自己頂上,喉際阿字現紅光照 射自己喉際,心際吽字現藍光照射心際。


唸四皈依真言:「南摩古魯貝。南摩不打耶。南摩達摩耶。南摩僧伽耶。」唸四 皈依真言時,要觀想傳法上師或三寶佛,同放五色光明照住我身,而自己的一切惡業 罪障,化為黑氣蒸散。四皈依真言,可隨意唸多少遍。

唸發菩提心文:「弟子從此皈依上師三寶,直至菩提,永不退轉,所有大小各 善,悉以回施眾生,速成佛道。」(三遍)





回向文:「蓮生尊者加被力,三寶放光除業障,我與眾生成佛道,皆共往生極樂 國。」禮佛而退。

四加行法之二:「大曼達供養法」Great Mandala Offering

要想除業障,一定要供養上師,供養佛法僧三寶,供養金剛護法。由於修供養 法,有加被成就的力量,所以不得不修。而此大曼達供養法,凡施此法,合於天上地 下,四大部洲,日月,甚有用也。

此供品就是米粒,可用五粒,代表東南西北及中央須彌山。先將米五粒置於左掌 心,結供養印「二無名指向背立。次二中指平伸相叉。二小指平伸相叉。(右手在 外)再來以二食指鉤住二中指。(右食鉤左中。左食鉤右中)以二大指按二小指之 端。(右大按左小。左大按右小。)」

唸供養咒:「嗡。沙爾娃。打他架打。衣打木。古魯拉那。面渣拉。堪。尼里 也。打也咪。」手印向上,觸自己額頭,印散掉,用右手持米,再印額頭,撒米向 上,則成矣!

再唸供養讚:「須彌四洲並日月,化諸珍寶供養佛。種種珍奇諸功德。消業速速 證菩提。」

四加行法之三:「大禮拜法」Great Prostration Dharma

所謂「大禮拜法」就是五體投地的拜佛儀式,也是四加行法之一,要知道禮佛虔 誠一拜,可消業障,恭敬心一生,就是一善,再加上尊貴的儀規,便是大禮拜法,修 行的人不可不知。

注意合掌。拜佛要用菩提合掌,掌心內空,兩手十指尖相觸,如佛龕形。拜菩薩 要用蓮花合掌,兩手掌心內空,大指相觸,小指相觸,餘三指不觸,如蓮花開放式。 拜金剛神用金剛合掌,也是掌心內空,十指交叉,如五金剛杵之交叉形。這是手掌的 不同,拜法的不同。

拜佛的觀想,也很重要,先將掌放頂上,觀想佛放白光照我頂,再將掌放於喉 際,佛放紅光照喉際,再將手掌放於心,佛放藍色的光照我之心。於是雙手平伸,用 力一推前,全身五體投地一拜、一觸地,隨即立起,再重新合掌觀想,再五體投地的 一拜, 這就是「四加行之一的大禮拜法。」

四加行法之四:「金剛心菩薩法」Vajrasattva's Dhrama 
此金剛心菩薩法,有最不可思議的力量,可消無始以來最重的業障,使道心如金 剛般的堅固。若修持成功,如同灌頂功德一般,有法師單修「金剛心菩薩法」,即身 成就菩薩果位,實是「四加行法」中最重要的一法。

合掌先唸:「南摩紅冠聖冕金剛上師蓮生尊者。」 再唸四皈依:「南摩古魯 貝。南摩不打耶。南摩達摩耶。南摩僧伽耶。」

唸四無量心偈:「願一切眾生具足樂及樂因,是慈無量。願一切眾生脫離苦及苦 因,是悲無量。願一切眾生永久無苦得樂,是喜無量。願一切眾生棄愛憎住平等,是 捨無量。」

唸發菩提心真言:「嗡。波地支打。別炸。沙嘛牙。阿吽。」 唸懺悔偈咒: 「我昔所作諸罪業,皆由無始貪瞋癡,從身語意之所生,一切我今皆懺悔,嗡。別 炸。沙嘛耶。蘇爹阿。」 用大悲咒水或金剛甘露軍荼利明王咒水,遍洒道場。 觀想「金剛心菩薩」之法相,菩薩身白色,戴五佛冠,天衣重裙,種種寶物嚴飾其 身,坐八葉蓮花月輪座上,右手忿怒印持金剛杵於心際,左手忿怒印持金剛鈴於左腿 際。心際八葉蓮花周圍有百字明咒輪圍繞,此咒輪放白色光,灌入修者全身,修者心 中大放白光,全身惡業惡念,一起退散。

修者唸百字明咒:「嗡。別炸薩埵沙媽耶。媽奴巴拉耶。別炸薩埵爹奴巴地叉。 遮接咩巴娃。蘇多卡欲咩巴娃。蘇甫卡欲咩巴娃。晏奴拉埵咩巴娃。沙爾娃。司地。 咩不拉也叉。沙爾娃。嘎嘛。蘇渣咩。即彈木。司哩任古魯吽。哈哈。哈哈。訶。邦 嘎印。沙爾娃。打他架打。別炸媽咩門渣。別咭巴娃。嘛哈沙媽耶。薩埵阿。吽呸。 」此咒每修持一回誦二十一遍。

若堅修此法,金剛心菩薩見修持者,護持修持者,灌頂修持者,使修持者一切罪 障魔難疾病全部滌淨去除,罪業已消,全身輕快。
If cultivate this Dharma or Practice, Vajrasattva upon seeing cultivator, will give blessing, abhiseka, enabling cultivator to cleanse and purify or eliminate all sins, Mara's hindrances, illnesses .....; resulting in lightness and joy.

菩薩自頂入心,可得金剛心菩薩與 自己合一,這是即身成佛的不二成就。
Boddhisattva enters the heart from the crown or top, can achieve Vajrasattva and Self merging as One, this is attaining Buddhahood with present body, a not second attainment.

Dear all, 
It so happen that a fellow student needs help, today.

See chat as follows:-

16 May 10:36 - XJ: How much if register for karmic for the coming fire puja?
16 May 11:50 - Lotuschef Lama: It's $88/-each. is it for your hubby?
16 May 11:50 - XJ: HN my eldest daughter , n my hubby

16 May 11:51 - Lotuschef Lama: He needs to chant more gao Wang Jing n bai zi ming Zhou. N dedicate merits to all sentient beings

16 May 11:52 - XJ: He no time..... he's going to XX for 3 weeks for business deal from may26~June10
I hope his business can work out then I will hv more Money to do charity lol
So I do karmic for both of them, n sponsor $24 for homeless spirit. So total $200

16 May 11:55 - Lotuschef Lama: shizun's  mantra too can help lol. but must chant with visualization of sharing light with all

16 May 11:55 - XJ: will transfer to your account
16 May 11:57 - Lotuschef Lama: HN?
16 May 11:57 - XJ: Ya. 2 person

16 May 12:10 - Lotuschef Lama: What's the problem with HN?
16 May 12:11 - XJ: Aiyoo....nowadays very 不听话, just like her karmic is playing with her haha
For example, last night we went to distribute food ration to a needy family. Huixin keep on make noise n refused to 配合。
she even said 一点都不同情他们
Me n my hubby so angry with her remarks
I wonder is it adolescent years 叛逆 or Karmic
So to play safe, I do her karmic ba

16 May 12:16 - Lotuschef Lama: Well, u must ask her why don't sympathize? and also you can't force her to do what you think is charity
You know that karmic packs must do in 3 sets or 7 sets. 
N I prefer to help you solve problems than do offering which is temporary method only. won't clear the roots of problems

16 May 12:19 -XJ: Oh I c. Tot do one time only

16 May 12:19 - Lotuschef Lama: Hahaha! that lian Y fashi scold me saying I not doing business!
I really prefer to be honest in helping n not about money lol

16 May 12:23 - XJ: OK. Then hubby de also dUN need le lol
Then I just sponsor homeless spirit $50

16 May 12:24 - Lotuschef Lama: When H's mom in trouble, she did 7 packs in one shot. it's quick to save her mom but then no follow up to say sorry personally. that's why after  3 such 7 packs, I told her that GM n I won't help negotiate as they made us liars. Also their karmic don't believe us anymore

You can do the lingpai for blessings each $8/- X 7
It's cheaper too. 8 X 7 is $56 only
Most important is talk to HN

16 May 12:26 - XJ: Ok
Ya I talk the whole night
Later ask her go xiufa chant Chan Hui zhou

16 May 12:28 - Lotuschef Lama: Sometime, doing charity need to bear in mind the karmic of those you help too.
They are in bad situation now bcos they are bad to others in the past, this or past lifetime
HN might have picked up some negative vibes, which most kids can sense as they are purer than adults

16 May 12:31 - XJ: I see

16 May 12:32 - Lotuschef Lama: Do dedication to Homeless for your whole family n the blessing for your hubby n HN

The blessing is $56 each n homeless any amount
If can bring HN to see me

16 May 12:40 - Lotuschef Lama: If attending the please bring offering, like one apple.
Each one of you bring something

16 May 12:41 - XJ: Ok
16 May 12:41 - Lotuschef Lama: 25th is buddha birthday
16 May 12:41 - XJ: Which buddha
16 May 12:42 - Lotuschef Lama: I will buy a small piece of cake to offer in celebration
sakyamuni- 8th day of 4th lunar month
and 1 June is vesak day
That's why I told you to ask around if anyone want to sponsor these 2 cakes

Eliminating Karmic Negatives as per GM Lu, you need to Cultivate yourself!

I am truly very honest?

Yes! It is not your money that I am interested in!

All methods of Convenience applied, are for Temporary relief of problems in the Sentient Realm, THEY ARE NOT Permanent Measures!

The Key here is YOU and Your Own Sincere Efforts!

Money? When I really need it, GM Lu and the Universe will provide!


Cheers all

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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