
Sunday, February 1, 2015

31-1-2015 Pure Karma Jakarta Event [3]

Wrapping up the session with Vajrasattva as Yidam, giving everything a rounded perfection!
In this fire, do you see the head of a cat-like head?

Further wrapping up the session in Great pomp or celebration of a great auspicious event with Principal Yidam, White Padmakumara 大白莲花童子;
Joint yidams:
Golden Mother of Yao Pond 瑶池金母,
Ksitigarbha Boddhisattva 地藏王菩萨,
Sharpyinma 般若佛母,
Maha Mayuri 大孔雀明王佛母,
Usnisa Vijaya 尊胜佛母,
Marici Boddhisattva 摩利支天菩萨,
Vajrasattva 金刚萨多.

Below: The offering of the Fireworks Mandala! 供烟花坦诚以喜庆!

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