
Sunday, October 19, 2014

Itinerary 行程: Pure Karma HK 净业香港

11 月 1日 星期六 Saturday, Sabtu — November 1, 2014
下午2点 2 PM
(Hong Kong time, Waktu Hong Kong)
Fire Puja Event 火供法会 Puja Api Homa
Venue: Hong Kong 香港 

Guru Padmakumara 大白莲花童子 + Marici Bodhisattva
摩利支天菩萨 (斗母)
Guest Yidam (Yidam Tamu):
9 Emperor Gods of the Big Dipper Constellation 北斗九皇星君
Notes 备注 (Catatan):
庆祝:摩利支天菩萨/斗母 和 北斗九皇星君 圣诞.
Celebrating the birthday of Marici Bodhisattva & The 9 Emperor Gods of the Big Dipper Constellation.
Turut merayakan hari ulang tahun Marici Bodhisattva & Sembilan Dewa Kaisar dari Konstelasi Bintang Utara.

Event [2]

11 月 2日 星期日 Sunday,  — November 2, 2014
Time to be advised 时间: upon registration 报名后通知
(香港时间 Hong Kong time, Waktu Hong Kong) 

与莲厨聊天 In conversation with Lotuschef

Event [3]

11 月 3日 星期一 Monday,  — November 3, 2014
Time to be advised 时间: upon registration 报名后通知
(香港时间 Hong Kong time, Waktu Hong Kong)

慈善探访 Charity program - Visiting Senior Citizen

All registration for the above events whether to :
or Participate in any way; 

报名截止:2014年 10月 23日 中午12点正
Closes on Thursday - 23rd of October, 2014 at 12 noon.

No further enquiries or registration will be entertain after this dateline.

This is the only official contact for All [Pure Karma] related events and activities, unless otherwise advised by Pure Karma Administrators.

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom

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