
Sunday, August 3, 2014

浓缩口诀 Condensed Keys

[--- Then he instructed the old lady and her attendant with these words: 
Old woman, take cross-legged position and keep your body upright. 
For a short while, simply remain with totally relaxed attention.

The master pointed his finger to the old lady’s heart and gave this instruction: 
Old woman, listen to me. 
If you are asked what the difference is between the mind of the truly perfected Buddha and the mind of sentient beings of the three realms, it is nothing other than the difference between realising and not realising the nature of mind.

Since sentient beings fail to realise this nature, delusion occurs and from this ignorance the myriad types of sufferings come to pass. 
Thus beings roam through samsara. 
The basic material of buddhahood is in them, but they fail to recognise it. ---]

[--- Thus he spoke. Since the master gave this instruction while pointing his finger at the old woman’s heart, it is known as “The Pointing Out Instruction to the Old Lady.” 
Upon hearing it, the old lady and her attendant were both liberated and attained accomplishment. ---]

The following are articles that hit the all time high in this blog!

See the trend of popular articles? 


How many of these top articles are really educational?

Look at the dates too! 

Now understand why almost all can't answer All 3 Assignments?

GM truly wants YOU to wake up!

If you like to read gossips; latest news; what's happening to WHO?; kind of articles and gave the educational ones from GM, Padmasambhava; and etc. a Miss, then sorry to tell you, YOU won't make it at all!

[--- the old lady and her attendant were both liberated and attained accomplishment ---] – But not you, who don't bother to build necessary foundation!

Frankly speaking, please spend more time reading or listening to GM and Padmasambhava.

NO ONE, Yes, No One, is responsible for You, but Yourself!

Noticed that I stopped deciphering GM's speeches?

I only bring up some to highlight concepts I wish to share in certain articles only!

GM said all have to learn to spend time to do their own Homework!

Hahaha! I shared much Cultivation Keys too, but you can't use them at all, because you lack relevant fundamentals.

GM also shared Fundamentals all the time, but you didn't pick up any, right? :)

[--- Old woman, take cross-legged position and keep your body upright. 
For a short while, simply remain with totally relaxed attention. ---]

Simple instructions like the above, most can't do!
In group cultivation sessions, I always have to remind students to "Sit up Straight"!
I also devised a method to help students relaxed! 

Sincerely hope that most will start to wake up and spend their time fruitfully to build necessary foundations! 

Cheers all.

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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