
Tuesday, July 8, 2014

盗法/不如法 Stealing Dharma/ Not Adhering to Dharma

Above: Many copied this "HOM" seed syllable designed Altar. 

盗法 Stealing Dharma

不如法  Not Adhering to Dharma

Hahaha! We often hear these phrases from lots of Sentient Beings that Don't have any idea what they are!

Now bring your 4 Noble Truths and all your Dharma knowhow, from GM or other masters, Let's Have Fun! :)

Lets deal with [盗法 Stealing Dharma].

Is there Dharma to Steal? :) 

Now GM said in the most recent session in Seattle, 
[ If you said that Sakyamuni Buddha has spoken of Dharma, you are Slandering Him. 
If you said that He didn't speak of Dharma, you are also Slandering Him!] 

Likewise for GM too!


Can you see Dharma? 
Does it has Form that you can Touch or Smell?

Well, if you have Purpose; which is "For Benefit of" and you need the PRESENCE of Sentient Being!

How do One Steal Something that has NO FORM?
Means you can't See, Touch, Smell, it! :)

Now, [不如法  Not Adhering to Dharma].

Pray tell How does One Adheres to Dharma which has NO FORM?

On top of that, who is to decide what Dharma is, and DICTATE that all should Adhere to His/Her Interpretation of Something Without Form?

AH! Now we are getting somewhere?

So No Sentient Being can Penalize Anyone WITH Not Adhering to Dharma!

Hahaha! Having FUN now?

Only those True Yogi and Living Buddhas are privy to what is the Truth and what is Dharma!

GM said that Only Enlightened then can understand the Nature of the Universe.

I think we have to say that Only the TRULY & FULLY Enlightened ones, concur?

Do you see any of the Enlightened Ones announced by GM, exhibiting Buddha-like characteristics like Infinite Wisdom & Compassion for ALL?

Ah Ah! Hehe!

A very simple test that they failed is Cravings for Sentient Materials, like money; fame; power to control, to dictate; ....

They want to act GOD!

If they go the opposite way & renounced all Sentient Materials, they will attain Buddhahood pretty fast!

So their's & most sentient beings' Hinderance is Renunciation of All Sentient Materials!

Dear all, have you awakened NOW?

Awakened - Realization - Enlightenment.
These words are actually all the same but the requirement is Totally or Fully. :)

As Long as the One who Copied, like Pure Karma's Altar, has no evil intention to harm or steal or cheat anyone, the motive is to cultivate well to help all sentient beings, This One is not stealing Dharma from Pure Karma.

So please cart your Wisdom, hopefully from all 5 Dhyani Buddhas, with you, where ever you go!

Cheer all

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

Edited from Notes of Lotuschef

This article is an assignment given a week ago. :)
GM compassionately talks about
[ If you said that Sakyamuni Buddha has spoken of Dharma, you are Slandering Him. 
If you said that He didn't speak of Dharma, you are also Slandering Him!] 
to enable me to complete my assignment. :)
Grateful Thanks to my dearest Root Guru, The Living Buddha Lian Sheng.

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